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My Rb30Det Build Timing

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Ignition on and from maf pins to earth

So you checked the wiring for the maf, not the maf.

What does that tell you?

I don't know if that's right or not, but I am wondering why you checked it?

The maf won't cause a high idle or any of the issues you have mentioned in this thread. Is there a reason you checked it or are you just doing whatever now?

Fix all vacuum and boost leaks (pressure test the system). Check cam timing. Set timing to 15 using a plug lead not the loop.

Also can you clarify a previous post. You mentioned advancing the timing fixed an oil pressure issue you had. What does that mean?

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I was driving my car and on full it was only getting 30-40 psi oil pressure but since advancing the timing it's gone back to what it should be.

I got it so it does just rev of its head but now it's got a hunting problem but doesn't have any leaks.

It's like the car revs to 3k and then dies and when it's about 600-1200 it starts again

I tested a known working maf the same way and it didn't have 12v on the signal it had 300mv like there meant to

Edited by B I IL IL Y
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Today I'm going to replace my aac valve and air regulator

I've replaced all the plugs, igniter, loom and coil packs.

I found yesterday my fuel line before the filter was swollen and had a leak so I replaced that.

Edited by B I IL IL Y
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I was driving my car and on full it was only getting 30-40 psi oil pressure but since advancing the timing it's gone back to what it should be.

I got it so it does just rev of its head but now it's got a hunting problem but doesn't have any leaks.

It's like the car revs to 3k and then dies and when it's about 600-1200 it starts again

I tested a known working maf the same way and it didn't have 12v on the signal it had 300mv like there meant to

probably has to do with your oil temp heating up quicker... more advance, more heat in the motor - so your oil thins out quicker as it reaches the correct temp quicker.

even with more retard your oil pressure should be the same.. will just take longer to get there when you doodle around the streets.

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