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New To A.c.t Queanbeyan

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Cruises are few and far between but do happen from time to time. (mostly just general slackness and laziness) :D

Every Friday Night around 9-9:30pm there is a meet up at Grevillea park, always someone there but not always in a Skyline.

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There's a few regular things that run such as Shannons Wheels (was on today and is yearly) as well as Shannons Coffee and Cars which is on every few months and really seems to be picking up.

Aside from the local stuff which is a bit ad hoc, you'll notice a few of us are SAU NSW members and we do have pretty regular events and meet ups. There's a list of upcoming events in the NSW section but this ranges from track days to informational tech nights etc.

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Ahh. Forum and club membership aren't the same thing. There's a bunch of things not available to non club members.

What i was getting at is things are a bit quiet down here, we still mix a lot with NSW to get out and about.

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Welcome buddy!

Used to live in Crestwood until mid last year myself, and now I'm living smack bang in the middle of the golf course. If I see you around I'll be sure to flail wildly out the window! hahaha keep your eyes out for the retard in the white Golf R :)

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