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In Phuket


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hey people, as the title reads i am in phuket and i just thought i would stop in to see if anythin was happenin.

weather is great, there is hardly any decent cars over here i have seen 1 evo7 and rice mobiles thats about, guess i will just have to stick to jetskiing and go-karts.

seeya all!!

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I have always thought about goin huh! Have been to bali and had the BEST time!!

Apparently Phuket is similar but cleaner??

Am planning a trip early Decemeber to Sydney to see Auto Salon Final Battle and my friend is Bar manager at Sheraton or sumfin so get cheap rates at hotel... then next year queensland or phuket will be the go....

I might put up a thread to see as to who is interested in coming to Final battle in sydney early december....

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Sawadee kah deano! Number one rule in thailand - DONT go up stairs! hahaha unless you like ping pong balls :P

And eggs :throwup:

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our main concerns the wheather whats its like? much rain? humid? sunny? etc

Yep all 3 within an hour.

Great place though The James Bond island tour is good too,just try to hire a speed boat if your in a group(much faster,get to the different spots before the crowds and less time travelling etc etc)


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Been to Phuket twice, stayed at Patong both times. Great place, awesome food, good shopping, Unbelievable scenery!!! Hot and humid but bearable (read bathers and tshirts 24/7, cheap drinks too!!!

Will definately be going back again. We didn't see many aussies when we where there, (1998 and 2000).



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hey dudes another update, have been staying at the holiday inn ( goin on all sing that snoop song in your head) and has been unreal, went on speed boat tour yesterday and went snorkelling on coral reef in the middle of the ocean which was great.

25gtt weather has been averaging around 35 and we have had a total of about 4 hrs rain but i was still swimming and having massages so all good i have about 5 more days here then back to sunny perth.

drove in a new ceffy today full leather v6 model nice, slow but nice, and i saw a crazy older ceffy aswell big fm manual thinkin about tryin to buy it see how cheap i can bargain him down to!

talk soon!!

over and out deano!

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