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something dodgey going on....


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yeah the stickers are still on it...

its parked on the front lawn now near the door where the dog guards... if he wants to get outside he'll just break down the door... theyve done it before to chase the pizza guy haha

yeah fines sorted out.

i dont think i'll bother removing anything cause theres someone here 24/7 and its going to be hard to tow something from the position on my lawn.

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If cars are parked long enough in spots they shouldn't be the council WILL just take them away and you mightn't get much if any warning. Happened to a mate's kingswood, it got canaried for sitting there and we were getting ready to tow it and then it disappeared, it was POS so he didn't pursue it.

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yeah but they first have to put that big yellow council sticker on it saying "this car is either abandoned etc" and gives u 7 days...

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LMFAO....What kind of a swing do u have to take at sum1 to get a tooth stuck in the bat?? HAHAHAHA too good!! U guys from the east eh? Ive heard alotta crazy shtories from the east!

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