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Hi there,

Its sad to hear you have to re-house your husky as I have 2 of them myself. If you really want your pooch to go to a good home then the 'Siberian Husky Club of NSW' maybe able to help as they re-house huskies(http://nswshc.bravepages.com/)

You most likely won'ty see any money for it but at least they will try to get your husky into a good home.

Please let me know how you go, Good Luck!.

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Male of Female?



Chipped? (or whatever they call it)

I been wanting a Husky since I was young, We have always had 2 dogs, and 1 just died, so it's time for a new one...

To those that own huskys - Do they get on well with other dogs (cattle dogs in particular) Or are they more of a loner?

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Hi Chris,

Huskies usally require some form of company human, other dog or rarely they like there own time.

Shonen's husky is only 12 months old so still a pup and should fit in with other dogs within a household.

I got my first husky from a pound and later found out that whilst we were at work he used to howl his head off the whole morning. We quickly got another husky and the 2 became best freinds withing weeks.

Point of the story from my experience huskies require constant company, be it from another dog they will quickly start to appreciate the company of another dog.

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Why are you are relocating him?

It may seem wierd to you, but I prefer to know the history of a dog, if it's more personal then you care to share on here, PM or email me at [email protected]

Is it because of something like cost of owning? Or is it he is getting out the yard?

I have been talking to my parents about letting me get a husky ( I am 23, but still live at home, it's not like I am 10 and gonna not look after him) mum seems to think I'd be getting a pup, but 12 months isn't too bad I didn't think.

We have a lot of experience with animals as mum is one of the founding members of the native animal trust fund (which is similar to Wires down Sydney way).

If Husky's get on well with other dogs then I am sure he will get on with my cattle dog, he has got on with any other dog that has been at our place.

Are you in a huge hurry to get rid of him? I don't think I could make a decision till atleast the weekend.

Has he had any kind of training? Been round kids? Used to being in the car? Big yard or small yard?

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Hey dude, I have been looking into husky's and I have decided our yard is not up to a husky yet, I live "in the sticks" and there is all sorts of things he would want to escape to eat - roos/foxs/birds/sheep/geese etc etc...

So I am not willing to take him without setting up a proper fence, The cattle dog doesn't try to escape so the 4 foot fence is good enough, but I know he will chase that sort of thing being a husky.

If you still have him in a month, send me a PM and I will probably be interested as I should have a fence up by then.

Hope you find a good home for him.

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Alright a lot of people have been asking for pics so here they are.......

haha it was hard to try and take a snap of him with his eyes fully open.....

the first one (ie 3.jpg) makes him look really scary like a prowling wolf hehe which I reckon is kinda cool :cheers: but if ya dont like that its ok cause he aint always like that !!

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