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Rb20E timing

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Hey guys

Can someone tell me how many degrees before top dead center the timing is on a RB20E?

Im in the process of advancing, and ive advanced the timing 2 degrees, but really need to know the normal setting before i go any further.

What are your oppinions on how far i can go?

Thanks guys.


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when i had my 2.5 i never ussed a timing light, just kept advancing it little by little till it pinged then knocked it back a little bit. be careful though, pinging = bad. The more advanced your timing is the more power ur car will make, just how advanced u can run it will depend on fuel, and ambient temp and stuff, best do it at the hottest time of the year, then u know it will always be right.

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yeah, the car has been advanced a bit now, and it runs heapssss better.

Though its the coolest time of the year, when summer comes i'll deal with it then.

Why do nissan make them so unadvanced from factory???

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yeah, i think i would get better economy with it more advanced? there is so much fuel that im just not even getting a chance to burn before it spits it out??

Im running about 15 or so advance, haha im going to push it a bit further too goes soo much better


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