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Some Low Life Peice Of Shit Backed Into My Car


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lowest form of scum is someone who intentionally vandalises someone elses car because they have a grudge against them...

someone keyed my car...entire passenger side. minimum 2 scratches on each panel, and about 20 on the rear panel....

if i had walked out and found them in the act, i'd be the 1 charged...what a legal system we have!

hows this for a story...my cousins own a fruit shop in warnambool...out the back in the car park, they see an old bloke back into someones car....then he gets out, and starts writing a note to leave on the windscreen of the victim (all good it seems, so they go inside)

later on a lady comes in asking my cousins if they saw anyone hit her car...they tell her he left a note, so she shows them the note...which read something along the lines of

"hahaha i hit your car"

what a nice old man

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this also happened to me..

BUt this happened while i was driving.. Some bloddy idiot merged into my lane witout looking!!! rear drive side door is f**ked.. anyways i signal him 2 follow into the next street, coz i was on the main road n didnt wanna held up traffic, and follws for 2 secs, n bloddy speeds off..

Mum was in the car also, n shes bloddy screaming... I SO wanted to chase him.. damm mum!!! since it happened so quickly i couldnt get his numberplate..

But thankgod it happened to the camry..


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The day you stop listening to mum: you become a man.

Parents often think they are always right, and know everything. Well, what use was it to listen to your 'fountain of wisdom'? you have a broken mirror, no details of the driver, and you'll be out of pocket to repair it. B

loody parents are useful for one thing - Teaching you until you become independant and can think for yourself.

Edited by 97r33gtst-typeM
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f**k i hate hearing shit like this! i know exactually how you feel and god damnnn isnt it frustrating, specially wen you dont know who did it.

I drove my car to school just after its respray (paint was still soft) had only been painted 2 days before.

My mate goes over to my car to find egg all over it, baked on the roof and the door.

The egg ate the paint and left horrible marks in it!! i wasn't impressed at all but least now i have a rough idea who did that, and whos touched my car on other occasions too!

Goodluck with getting it fixed, i hope you catch them!


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hmmm well yea parents are right also u know.. coz i was heaps pissed off and if i started chasin i would have put someone else in danger by doin something stupid.. I just hope that other person crashes or something.. n has a 10k bill..

But seriously, i hate ppl who damages someone elses car on purpose.. So scared something will happen to the line also..

Guess it time to put a million cameras around our car eh!!! lol

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  • 2 weeks later...

I got hit once. Im gessing it was a ute backed into the front of my car and being a R32 i have the vents on the bumper either side of the plate. The ute must have had a tow-ball at the back, and cracked and took a small hole out the passanger bumper, just under the vent... that pissed me off...



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Came home today to find out my younger brother's Hyundai got hit in the rear door in a car park while he was at uni. Big dent, no note. Even though the car is a shit heap, it still pisses me off. If they left a note, we may not have even made them pay for it - the car just isnt worth the $$$ to fix it. Instead they have left us all with immense rage...

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Vandalism seems to mainly happen to cars that look like they are cared for nicely - I suspect if it's not a grudge it's probably jealousy/tall poppy syndrome.

Unfortunately, to stay under the radar it seems you need a shit looking car. I've always preferred sleepers partly for this reason (and other reasons, like cops...).

People who do runners after an acco do so because, well, there's nothing stopping them from running unless a cop shows up at that moment (yeah, right). And I wouldn't chase them unless you want to wear a fine, points loss, possible licence loss....because that cop that wasn't around for the crash will probably spot your flouro pink skyline with chrome rims going 120k's in a 60 zone moment's after the crash and think you are racing...

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I feal your pain, my old celica gt4 was parked out front while i was trying to sell it. A delivery van droped a chair across the road and decided it would be nice to reverse park onto the back quarter panel smashig it and shunting the car into the curb, scuffing the 17inch 3g wheels it had. he wasnt insured so decided to just leave his mobil num, then when i ran got hostile and refused to pay. My insurance needed his home num addy and crap so mobile wasnt enough. There still trying to get the money from him. Got the celica fixed sold it for 13.5g and got myself a R33 Gts25t. i think i will cry the day that my new car is hit while parking.

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