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ok i have an r33 gts-t with a standard turbo has a full exhaust system. my drama is i put an intercooler kit on it and the new kit doesnt have a fitting for the line off my duel stage boost controller. just wondering where i should put it cause now when it reach's boost its like its not getting enough fuel. and id like to know what the AFM is.does it stands for air flow meter. where abouts is it. (im only new to skylines.) the weird thing is when i pull the vacum off the BOV the car runs fine just idles irraticly?. any help would be appreciated cheers brad

Edited by NVMYTG
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AFM stands for Air Flow Meter and basically measures the amount of air flowing into your engine. Its located on the pipe which runs from you airbox or pod filter to the turbo. Its a black cylindrical plastic thingy with a connector with wires coming outta it.

As for your boost control you can fit it back into the inlet piping that runs over your engine.

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without the fitting to your boost controller manifold boost pressue will be unlimited as the stock actuator will never be opened. read this can be fatal. you should stop immedietly. you can either

tap hole into intercooler piping (where the stock one attched to) and plumb into there

"tee" into stock boost guage pressure air line and feed it the pressure line

if you do not do either, the actuator will not see any manifold pressure and will run unlimited boost (aka kill shit). your computer is seeing the massive air increase (via airflow meter) and the computer is saying shit way too much air coming in and it does a safety cut to protect itself (which it is doing thank god).

nothing wrong with airflow meter, it is doing its job correctly

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"tee" into stock boost guage pressure air line and feed it the pressure line

ok where is the pressure airline. i dont know much at all about skylines thanks for your help its much appreciated

also why doesnt it saftey cut out when the vacum off the BOV isnt connected also before installing the FMIC when i hit the switch for 11psi it does the same thing what could that be?

Edited by NVMYTG
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well if you dont know much about skylines then stop right now fiddling around with boost and the bov and get someone who knows to do it correctly.

the stock computer does not know how much boost you are running, in can however see how much airflow is coming in via the airflow meter. the most boost you run usually the more airflow is forced into the engine so the airflow voltage goes through the roof. its at this time the ecu does its self protection. ti has protection built in to protect itself around 11-12psi ish mark. its not an exact psi cut as explained by the way its watching the airflow meter values.

the stock computer wont know if you block the bov off, the turbo certainly will feel it however

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