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Need Pistons Quick!

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Hi guys,

Just quickly.....

I have my engine in pieces and was going to use the stock pistons again because they were in great condition... I now want to put forgies in.. I use my car for work and need this engine back in one piece ASAP!!

WHERE the hell can I find someone who makes pistons for the RB25DET on the net????

Do the pistons for the RB26 fit the RB25?? I'm sure they have the same bore...

Any help would be great..

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I personally wouldn't go forged pistons UNLESS the power I was making requires forged rods.

Stock pistons providing the comp ratio is good (no higher than 8.5:1) is reliable, as always it depends on the tune, forged pistons wont protect you from a bad tune/detonation.

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thanks for the offers.. I've actually found some Weisco forgies... (private sale, new in box... $900.. Bargain!!

The reason I'm getting forgies is because I'm building the block up for higher boost and I don't want to have to strip the block again so while I'm rebuilding the motor, I might as well do it properly....

Thanks for the advice though guys...

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