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The answer every body wants to know...


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Who was it?

Who were the people who laid it all down on the line traveling where our street directories were of no use?

Who was the person who passed a message onto the waiter?


It was us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Me and Frank!!!!!!!

plus our buddy Ric!

we had to send someone in who no one knew so you wouldnt have a clue what hit you

or your exhausts for that matter :P;)

Here is pictures from our wonder full yet scary trip up north!!!



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ok in an early interveiw with TOSH, i scrambled some info on how the camp is still recovering from that fateful night.....

i wanted to get in quickly while the pot was still boiling and TNS are still scratching their heads in disbelief

here goes:

UR2EZ (8:46 AM) :

ok your thoughts and emotions :P

TaKaHaShIRyOsUkE (8:46 AM) :

1 thought: thank ****en god my car wasnt there :P

TaKaHaShIRyOsUkE (8:53 AM) :


UR2EZ (8:56 AM) :

BAHAHHAA so who took the slip

TaKaHaShIRyOsUkE (8:57 AM) :


TaKaHaShIRyOsUkE (8:58 AM) :

he's just gone "you're joking!"

TaKaHaShIRyOsUkE (8:53 AM) :

I saw Andrew glance at it and just go. "oh shit!!!!!"

TaKaHaShIRyOsUkE (8:54 AM) :

words really can't explain how I felt when I saw it. hahahahahahahahahahah that it the best I've evr seen

We even messed up TNS so bad they turned on their own...

TaKaHaShIRyOsUkE (8:52 AM) :

and all the guys were convinced that I was an insider who knew about it all along

They had no idea who it was, EXECUTION AND TIMING WERE PERFECT

TaKaHaShIRyOsUkE (8:50 AM) :

I was convinced it was Loz

Well this just inforces the fact that WESTSIDE IS DA BEST....

and to end the interview tosh had one last thing to say

TaKaHaShIRyOsUkE (8:53 AM) :

man I still can't believe it

And at ^^^^ that moment we at TWS feel complete

We knew TNS would never be the same after sustaining such a blow as that....

signing out


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Originally posted by jtir


The exhaust even got fisted!!!!

YUP no holding back....

was a first for me aswell....

also after all that GIVING i need to TAKE aswell...

that four door line' gave me some good lubbin....

not as good as TWS lub... but hell any lub will do....

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