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Everything posted by Crimpage

  1. Crap. So there is. Thanks Black32... Or Bl4cK32 :|
  2. Any info on the steps needed to replace the boots? And is there anything you can put on the boots say once a month to help it stop drying out and cracking? Or is it just something that will happen ever 80,000k or whatever and you just replace it when it happens? Cheers.
  3. Hi All, The boots on my rack & pinion a cracked, just wondering if this is a job for pro's (eg, have to pull a million things off) or if it is simple enough for some home general maintainance. Car is an R32 GTS25 Cheers. Crimpage.
  4. You'd steal a GT* with GTR badges on it?
  5. AHAHAHAHAHA!!! That is great! I'm going to join... "... Then I turned on my demister.... He had nuthin...."
  6. http://www.rta.nsw.gov.au/registration/dow...s/vsi/vsi06.pdf This is a guideline for NSW on modifications which are allowed before a engineer's certificate is required. Page 4 has the info on chasis modifications. On a whole, it basically says, Unless you are modifying a structural part of the car, you are fine.
  7. There is a group buy thread in the group buys forum for tinting in Sydney... Not sure what the status is on it, but sure the guy could still give you a discount...
  8. I understand all that to here... And I know the factory is plumbed back, but im not sure where to, and how it fixes that problem? Sorry, this is coming from a NA driver who is about to buy a turbo R34 very soon... Thanks.
  9. A pair of vice grips will do the trick if you have rounded the edges... might take a bit more muscle to crack it tho.
  10. Hi All, Just want to know if it is possible for R34's to have their Odo's rewound... The reason being, I have an R34 coming in from Japan at the moment and it has 31,600km's on the clock... and find it hard to believe that a 7 year old car would have done so little k's. I have no problem knowing that the car may have travelled up near 80,000k or whatever, but just want to know if people have seen the electronic R34 odometer's rewound... Cheers, Dave.
  11. I have lost it once... 13kph over an a U turn at unmarked intersection... I opted to take the 3 month suspension and get full points back at the end of it... Better than getting 1 year good behaviour and losing it for 6 months... I started my opens now as of a few days ago Dave.
  12. I have an R32 GTS25 and i wouldn't say its slow, but it would get killed by an SP23 easily... I have an R34 GTV auto 4 door coming in from Japan at the moment, and I expect that to be even slower again because of the weight increase...
  13. Nah mate. If you only have one set of speakers, put the splits in the front...
  14. Have you got a job lined up yet? That will ultimately change the how you are affected by peak hour. Takes me 15 minutes to get to work from Southside to southside I lived at Springwood and travelled to Newstead for work. Takes 15 minutes on a saturday and 50 minutes on a weekday. I still say its better than Sydney. Springwood = 30 minute drive from the Gold Coast. Areas around Mt Gravatt are also pretty central. Have Garden City and a few choices on routes to the city. M1, Logan Rd, Ipswich Rd, Gateway if you are past the city (I still would not recommend)...
  15. I would be pissed too! I dont have full comp so I am more than happy to wreck the car of whatever idiot pulls a stunt like that instead of trying to avoid it and end up doing damage to my own car. I would get shafted either way. Bad luck mate.
  16. Hey, 6U9000ENR34000583 Got another one. Thanks guys, Crimpage
  17. $1000 alarm, $800 carminder. I wouldnt pay $5000 a year in insurance. I shouldnt have to. It's legal theft.
  18. Hi All, I have an R34 being imported at the moment and looking at mags for it. Wondering if anyone has pics of any skyline with these mags. Cheers, Crimpage.
  19. I had a friend that stripped his sump bolt (commodore of course). Best thing to get it off with was a pair of vice grips. As for the allan key, maybe use a hammer to bash the next size into it, but you will want to replace them asap. dont put them back in. Crimpage.
  20. Thanks PlasticStan!! Thats everything it should be!
  21. With the price of alarm's these day's, you'd be stupid to not buy an alarm with at least a 2 point imobiliser.
  22. Hey guys, Need a VIN FASTED please. The guy reckons it's a GT-V which has all the turbo options but not a turbo? Will FAST tell you that much info? 6U9000ECR34020879 Thanks, Dave
  23. Hey guys, Need a VIN FASTED please. The guy reckons it's a GT-V which has all the turbo options but not a turbo? Will FAST tell you that much info? 6U9000ECR34020879 Thanks, Dave
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