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(B1) MR_fanny

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Everything posted by (B1) MR_fanny

  1. you would hope so. would hate to know that it was done on those k's.
  2. water tank lets me wash at home now...though I havent washed it in months
  3. what year is the car and does the passanger seatbelt have the plastic cover that covers the anchor bolt on the b pillar and does the drivers have the plastic seatbelt guide? how much posted to melb if it does. cheers.
  4. yeah pretty much but with the extra female thread at the bottom. B&H have them for $16US 5pack but they want my left nut to send it over($40-60US). There's gotta be a place in melb that sells them. Michaels wanted $50bucks it. Will give those links a shot. thanks
  5. Any of you photographers know where I can pick up these screws with the long shaft and female 1/4 thread at the bottom in Melbourne or Australia? thanks fellas
  6. worth every cent then for piece of mind.
  7. watch out for those undercover ticket inspectors too. the were on the warpath on tuesday at clatyon station. I couldn't help but laugh. What is this, 21 jump street?
  8. he eats shit for breakfast?...lol ah I love happy gilmore.
  9. they did a good job hey. did they reweld or just seal it? what did that set you back?
  10. stick would have a dash where they would write when the 100k was done usually, if its blank then 100k hasn't been done based on the sticker.
  11. stand still and its not like a launch its more like trying to get off nicely in 1st but in 4th instead. when my clutch was going it would slip in 3rd and 4th pretty easily too when driving. would be on low revs and get on boost it would rev out but not go any faster.
  12. you need small hands to get into it. you can also get at it through the engine bay. quarter turn to get it out. pretty easy once you've done one you can even do it in the dark...lol
  13. a good test is too stick your car in 4th give it abit of revs and try to drive off. If your clutch is still good it should stall. If it doesn't and your still reving then chances are your clutch is slipping. clutch change starts from around 250-300 from my experience + new clutch. gearbox is much more expensive, and it doesnt sound like you have gearbox troubles just clutch. I could be wrong..ha
  14. search is your friend. there are a number of threads with costs and what needs replacing and part numbers and kits. it can vary from 600-1200 or more depending on if you are using genuine parts and what else needs replacing.
  15. I found my neighbours citylink notice in my letterbox the other day, so yeah they do go astray.
  16. I'm pretty darn sure of what i saw cause it was something that really stuck in my mind. when you mean built by garages do you mean they are complied by them with special rego for the general public? The one i saw was a personal import about 4yrs ago on the interweb. hmmm...actually it might have been a gtr from dubai or something...lol..it was blue. you may be right...ha
  17. the US may have some. I remember seeing a skyline with 200sx interior that they used to do the left hand drive conversion. it was very odd to say the least.
  18. i saw some dude with rockstar sunnies in bayside blue on sunday sitting through the springy shopping arcade one way car park. it had some sort of kit on it so it may just have been a gtt. had an sau sticker on it too. coincidence? i have an eye for which imports are around my area and that looked like a new one in the hood.
  19. i always thought double parking was something similar to those tools you see just stopping in a lane, jumping out to buy ciggs and jumping back in. they are double tools when you want to reverse out and they're blocking ya. just pay the fine and be weary next time. did she ever throw up in the end?
  20. just ask a mod to move your thread to for sales
  21. heres another lesson for ya. theres more to it in a "proper" full respray than a couple hundred bucks.
  22. yeah, its always safer to gather as much info/contacts as you can even though you think you may not need it. It's good for you to cover your arse plus a good method of persuasion if the person at fault see's you doing so they think twice about being dodgy.
  23. got her details yeah? take pics of your car for documentation and ask your insurance comp for their opinion or would that be too premature? you could always go to a cop shop and ask? i dunno. I'd say her fault cause you were stationary too, giving way as you should when reversing. you could always mention that she tried to do a runner but that would be scraping the barrel as its your word against hers.
  24. i've exited the crown tunnel on kings way to see a car drive along the tram lines below at night only to see it drop head first when the concrete ends and gravel begins..lol they enter from city rd underneath looking for a way to get onto kings way so the cemented tram lines look like the obvious way to go...ha little do they know.
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