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Everything posted by Kozeyekan

  1. OK, Here's a CD that I very nearly did lose my license to: Supercharger Heaven - White Zombie Paranoid - Megadeth Pulse - Superheist Dyers Eve - Metallica My way home - Foo fighters Reckless Life - Guns and Roses Jesus or a Gun - Fuel Supernaut - 10,000 homo Dj's (Black Sabbath tribute Album) Kickstart my heart - Motley Crue (It's the quintessential 'go fast' song.) Not Falling - Mudvayne I Stand Alone - Godsmack Du Hast - Rammstein Killing in the name of - Rage against the machine Turn that shit up - Testeagles Set me Free - Velvet revolver I think there were a couple of others, but that's the ones that I remember. I got 2 fines in a week after I got my P's (one by intercept, the other by a camera, so my Dad took the heat for me for that one, provided I ditched the CD). Check em out if you like. Pulse if my all time favourite Aussie rock tune.
  2. Hey all Just wondering if anyone has had this happen: There's a bit of resistance putting the stick into first. Nothing major, and no grinding, just have to push a little harder, it's easier to go into 2nd, 3rd is easier still and it just glides into 4th and 5th. Any ideas? No drivetrain mods.
  3. Hi, A couple of Quick q's I can't find the entry for R32 GTS-4, or is it just as good to use the GTR ones? Also, do you have a preferred installer in Melbourne?
  4. Not exactly. It's always OTHER peoples religions that are jokes!
  5. is it network locked? any chance of the IMEI number?
  6. Norkam Beach Sand. Seriously guys, That's just old school. At BBU engineering solutions, we look for the finest alternative to port an polishing. First, we drink the port. We find this makes the job much better, then we get you, the car owner to drink a lot more port, so you'll always be happy when we give your car back to you (or one of my old ones if your car looks better than mine) First, we select only the most rounded grains of sand. We have teams of specially trained mongooses (mongeese?) who are bred for their ability to recognise small round objects. We start them with marbles and work them down to grains the thickness of a human hair. Those that get it wrong starve, thus ensuring quality control for you, the customer. We also add almodns crushed into a fine powder by the feet of mediteranian virgins to the mix, for than sweet almond oil scent that most engines are missing, but at BBU, it's this attention to detail that dets us far apart from other workshops. Now, we have heard that some port and polishers out there do dodgy back yard jobs, putting the sand in through the air filter, or the oil cap. WRONG! think about it, all that sand going out the exhaust? It's only meant for gas! Unlike these shonky backyard operators, BBU puts the sand INTO the exhaust pipe! Yes, this revolutionary technique means that you can clean every nook and cranny of the engine! Here's how: We load up a huge funnel and fill it with our mongoose selected sand. Occasionally bits of mongoose poo get into there, but that's OK, as it's organic material, and as we all know, organic material under heat and pressure makes oil, and your engine works on heat and pressure, so not only will the mongoose sand polish the engine, but the mongoose poo will grease and oil it up too! Afte the funnel is attached, we start the car. Now, simple logic states that putting it in first and revving the engine will make the air go through the engine and out the exhaust. Since we want the reverse, we obviously put it in reverse. This is where it can go wrong. Last month a mongoose got away and took off the handbreak, while our skilled technician was revving the engine and making BOV noises (an important part of the process) as a result, we ran over several skilled sand feeder executives, and a lemur that happened to be near by. Now we chock the wheels with bull elephant seals, avoiding further injury. After this process, the sand is extruded from many points in the engine bay, such as the turbo, the oil cap, the dip stick, and the pod. We suggest that paople keep this sand and take it with them, otherwise our mongooses have been known to think that people do not appreciate their expertise, and they lapse into depression and start heavy drinking of llama urine (A specialty drink of choice four our exec mongeese) and watch porn on discovery channel. After all this, we give you more port and send you on your merry way. You may have noticed our intense commitment to a 'green' workshop, we use animals and starving childeren where possible to avoid pollutants and excessive costs (such as 'wages') We do this to pass the savings on to you, and any suggestion that some of the animals may or may not have been fired from 'meerkat manor' for sleeping with the production assistant are fallacious and distortions of the highest order. After the procedure, we guarantee that you'll notice a dramatic difference in the way your car handles. So much so, that none of our customers vehicles have subsequently been involved in accidents on the road! So please drop into our workshop at 444 shi-ite drive. we're next to the RSPCA. there are no markings on the door, so just knock 3 times, ring the bell and say loudly "I once met a man from nantucket, who'se head was shaped like a bucket.!" and we'll let you in. We have all this security to protect our patented port and polish process form people who have been trying to steal it. Anyway, we expect to see you soon. -BBU engineering. Organic engineering solutions.
  7. Damn. I misread. I thought it said FLUX capacitor. I wanted to get the powerball numbers and go back in time.
  8. I hate to say it, but this sort of result is exactly what you can expect from filling a car up with people, showing off to them after a night out and speeding like mad. Even if she wasn't pissed, whe'd probably be tired. Add in ridiculous speed and RWD, and it's no big surprise what happened. If it was a bunch of blokes in the car there would be no sympathy for them whatsoever in the media. Having said all that, I'm sure most people here have done something that was stupid in hindsight. Although I'd hope it wasn't quite as stupid as this.
  9. but what would you do with it? It's a bauble not a car. It's like people spending $10K on a bottle of wine. They'll never drink it, it's just an 'investment'. It's a shame really. like taking an animal out of the wild, and caging it for a decade. LET THE GTR'S RUN FREE Let them roam in the plains, let them frolic in the gentle curves of the race track, let them hunt down the v8's that are their prey. Do not cage them and force them to smile for the camera!
  10. with the car running out of legs after 500 rpm, do you have a pod with no heatshield? I'd probably look at getting it dyno tuned, just to test some things out.
  11. Well, I think a few lessons can be learned here: 1) get insurance 2) include the price of great tyres in the cost of the car. 3) don't let someone drive the car for the first time in the wet on the freeway. Especially if that person is used to driving something like a toyota echo where they have to plant it to accelerate to 100. At least you are all OK. I know it really sucks, but you should be able to get some part dollars back.
  12. I'd say so. A simple "I do not drive a mitsubishi" might get you off. Although you'd have to wait for the letter in the mail, otherwise they'd ask how you got the ticket in the first place.
  13. Pierced cars. What's next? Big 50cent chains to hang around the bonnet? High heeled tyres? Massive fake boobies on the bumper...... actually that might be OK. Everyone loves boobies. but peircings? I suppose vinyl could be like a tattoo, so it's not that far of a reach. Although if people start getting neon kits bolted to their frame it could get kinda weird.
  14. Hi Does anyone know how to reset the speed warning bells in an R32? Mine start dinging at about 105km/hr. I'd like to reset it to 110 or take it off all together (though I'd rather not take the whole dash off if I can help it.) Any one try it?
  15. I'm kinda interested, but what would this DVD have on it that the amazon.com ones do not? If it's nothing different, then why would I pay $200 for something from your mate, when I can get insurance and warrantee from amazon.com for almost half the price? If there are features to justify the price, well that's different, but I wouldn't pay an extra $80 or so for a couple of deleted scenes or some japanese notes.
  16. ebay isn't bad for cheap parts, but not for the performance parts. If you want a cheap pod, or a second hand dash surround, it's great, but for pipes, internals, turbos and such, I'd avoid it like the plague.
  17. GTRgeoff, I'm with you that Australians need more driver training, and have more than once thought of trying to find a way to make a legal, safe as possible venue for it. I used to live in Broken Hill in NSW, and there it was pretty commonplace for dads to take their lads out to the clay pans in a shitbox car and teach them to drive at age 10 or younger. In these areas, it's almost completly flat, there's a layer of soft dirt about 5-10 cm's thick, and no obstacles for about 30-40 Km's. I remember my dad taking me there in a sh!tbox gemini that he bought for about $300 for the express purpose of teaching me to drive better. Now, it's not like I was delivering tofu over Mt Akina, but dad would set up some cones, and tell me to get around them, Occasionally yanking the handbrake or yelling "STOP! PEDESTRIAN" to make sure I was able to recover form unexpected situations. Now, city drivers don't get this experiance, yet, they have the most need of it due to congestion, and sheer numbers of cars. Not that I'm some perfect driver, my track times are ordinary at best, but on occasions where I've had to avoid an accident (through my own or others mistakes) those clay pan sessions have quite literally saved my life. Yet, to do it today would probably be termed 'hooning' Although if they took that same gemini, they'd have to pay more to tow it than what they'd get back form selling it. The government support aspect is good, but politicians are always fairweather friends. They want to get elected, and will say anything to do so. If you can tackle it from a road safety aspect, it'd probably get more community support. Something along the lines of: I don't want my son to die in his car, so I want him to learn how to drive better. But hey, that's just my opinion. It might seem a bit dramatic, but it really is that simple. In that same country town, each and every year there would be 17-18 year olds who got a job on the local mine or a good decent pay job, they'd buy a commodore and within a couple of months they'd be wrapped around a tree. Nothing will ever stop 17-18 year old males pushing the limits of everything, including cars. I was no different, but I got lucky a few times, and the training I got helped immensely. Anyway, if you need any help, or if there is something I can do, feel free to PM me. It's something I've always been interested in, both as a driver education tool, and as a way to just have fun.
  18. I know we get a few seppo's on this forum, so it's not all or even a majority of americans who blindly think that detroit is the home of the sports car, but damn there are some ignorant arsed fools posting on that site. I like some American muscle cars, especially from the 30's to 60's (I'd love to get my hands on a '32 ford deuce coupe... sadly not possible) but it's just kind of stupid to say "Jap cars suck, American muscle rules" when jap cars (especially the GTR) have done so damn much in the racing department. Not that the viper, the corvette and the Ford GT haven't been good race cars, I really like the local exotics that race before the V8's (I think it's still called the star cup) when the viper is door to door with the lambo and the Porsche, makes things interesting. Still, it's probably no different than the people we get here who soup up a VL and claim it as "Aussie Muscle" ingnorant of the fact that it's all jap in the engine bay.
  19. Ditto for me. If I could be pointed to someone in melbournes eastern to north eastern suburbs, it'd be much appreciated, and if they stock a particularly good alarm and fit that to an R32, even better. Looking for at least 3 point immob, black wire, good hidden installation, preferably linked to the TT, and if possible either a breaking glass mic, or an air pressure sensor. PM me please if you know of someone who can install something like this in an R32.
  20. check under the hood while the engine is revving. The gasket from the front or dump pipe might be toast, and leaking exhaust there.
  21. I've got a 32 GTS-4 also, and have some of the same things. On a steep hill, you drop back to 1st or second. The RB-20 is just like that. Not much you can do here. Cold starts fine when revved? Maybe tighten the idle screw? The gts-4 just isn't meant for speed, it's more about grip. It's heavier than the GTS-t and not as powerful as the GTR. I chose to upgrade the handling as my higher priority, so I'm looking at coil overs, brakes, rotors, michi pilot tyres and assorted braces. The car isn't much of a high speed demon (though a few go fast bits do help) but it'll stick to corners that would see a GTS-t (and also the Falcadores) run into a wall. And with the fuel economy, well not much you can do. Some of it is driving stye. I get about 350k's, but a lot of it is freeway driving, and gentle acceleration/braking.
  22. most of it's going to come down to personal taste. If all you want is a zorst to get the gas from the engine to out the back, then X-force is great value for money. Sure, the steel isn't as high quality, and the sound may seem 'tinny' to some, but hey, what does it matter, and for $900, turbo back, it's great value. The other laternative is to get a bigger dump/front pipe (some in group buys) a high flow cat (ditto) and a jap cat back (pick your flavour... Apexi (or Apexera if you're being technical) HKS, Kakimoto......whatever) The cost will be at least $300 for the pipe, about that again for the cat, and $900 for the cat back, which should include all gaskets. So X-force will cost you $900, Something like an HKS silent will cost about $1500 if you import the cat back from nengun and buy the other bits on group buy. Is the extra $600 (or so) worth it for a better sound, and better steel? If so, go for it! If not, well, you get the idea. I went for the second option and got the HKS high power silent (though how an exhaust this loud can be called silent is open to question) and love it. I think the performance differences are negligable between different brands, provided they have the same width, and similiar straightness. just pick your poison.
  23. On the other hand, putting an RB-25 in there might be less hassles maybe?
  24. Need a lot more info. First. Is it out of petrol? Second, what type of car is it? what mods do you have? When was it last serviced? Does it make any noises when you try to crank it over? Do you need to pump the gas to start it? What have you tried already to get it started? Are you using any fuel additives? Otherwise it's like a doctor trying to diagnose an illness over the phone when a patient says "I've got a headache" It could be just about anything.
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