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Everything posted by Kozeyekan

  1. I have a stock zorst from the turbo back if you need it, but I'm going to Brasil in early january, so if possible, I'd prefer someone to buy it, for SAU members, I think $50 is fair. It includes a compliance cat, front pipe, dump pipe and cat back. No gaskets though, but they come cheap. Let me know if you want it. -Josh
  2. R32 GTS-4 uses GTS-t cat backs, though you;ll have to bang one of the support bars a bit (easy to do on a hoist, or get an exhaust workshop to do it. Shouldn't cost more than $30) I have an R32 GTS-4 and decided on the batmbl front/dump, a highflow cat and an HKS silent cat back from nengun. Putting it together is an easy job, except for that one support bar. I've heard that you can get a decent custom one made form most exhaust places for under 1K, in the end it's up to you. It's really just a pipe, and I could have saved money by avoiding a brand name, but hell, I've got no regrets. I love the note, and the full stainless from the turbo back. There is a guide in the tutorial section on how to fit an exhaust also. It's a great one to use.
  3. The difference is that the GTR was AHEAD of the others. Advantage should always be given to the person in the lead, as they had to earn that position. To get ahead, you at some stage have to be faster than the person behind you. (excluding lapping, where the person being lapped should concede the position) There is a WORLD of difference between leading and crashing compared to losing, crashing out the person ahead of you and taking their position. Being in the lead is like having the ball in team sports. That person earned that position and should be protected.
  4. Let me guess: Dad drove a commodore, mum drove a Barina? Holden Vs Ford is like saying which inbred twin is smarter. Both cars are made by the same people. In terms of racing talent, I'd give it to lowndes, and am I the only one not seeing rick slip towards the outside of the turn just as he makes contact? If that's racing, then what would happen if on the starting grid, lowndes gets out of his car, walks over to ricks car opens the bonnet and steals the distributor cap? Personally, I don't give a rats arse about one eyed holden or ford people, they're all idiots arguing over miniscule differences in cars and the culture behind them. This incident was a black mark on racing in Australia, and other people don't see it. No wonder rally is gaining in popularity. The simple fact is that Kelly had a lot of help over the weekend. Why would they do that unless he could not win straight up? And if he could not win straight up, why the hell does he deserve to be champion? Unfortunately it seems to be money talking rather than class. "Win on sunday, sell on monday" as they say, and with Fords recent success, maybe holden had a bit of a whine. Kind of pathetic to win by default. Bring back the GTR. Can't "Rub" what you can't catch. PS: Anyone been through HSV or FPR factories? Go if you get a chance. You'll never feel fully confident in the car again.
  5. It'd be tricky. Resale value of a modded car isn't all that much (though in the case of these extreme modded vehicles, I'm sure it'd be substantial). Think of how many people buy a car for 12K, spend 10K on it and sell it for about 13K. It'll depend on the type of insurance, the maximum cover, wether owners can provide receipts, etc. Still, if there is any justice, they'll end up sharing a cell with some 7ft crazy bastard with a butt hole fetish. I fkn hate thieves.
  6. I have an HKS silent hi-power on my R32 GTS-4. It's louder than stock, with a nice rumble, thought I added a high flow cat and 3 inch split front/dump. I bought mine through nengun. It took a while, but well worth it. It's not as loud as some of the other exhausts on RB-20's that I've heard, but it's got a nice, strong note, definately not 'tinny'. I highly recommend. Though, I'd also recommend getting a new front/dump, otherwise you may as well just be adding a tip for all the different it'd make. If you have the cash, get a high flow cat too. If you REALLY need it, I might be able to get a sound sample of my car, though the RB-20 with front/dump and cat will sound different to an RB-25 with no other exhaust mods, so it's probably no help really. But if you need any other info, feel free to ask.
  7. Interesting. But where would you put..... Oh, never mind. Makes the guy out of American pie look quite mentally sound by comparison. Watch out for muffler burn. Maybe try the commodore position (on top of a tray-top)
  8. I'd say that the choice of car depends on what you want to do with it. If it's a convertible you're after, the only good options that I can think of at the moment are an MX-5, an S2000 and a boxster. I don't mind the mx-5, several friends have them (co-incidentally 3 girls and a frenchman.) they're fun. The S2000 is the car I'd pick, but that's a style and budget decision. Easier to tinker with and service than a porsche. But the boxster... it's a porsche. Porsche don't make shit cars. The only problem is cost. Maintaining a prestige car is expensive, and if you're intending on putting the occasional go-fast bit in, even more so. There is always the range of merc convertibles, or the beamer Z series, or aussie convertibles (shudder) but the above three seem to be the best for their roles. If you bought the mx-5, you'd always be thinking "But what if I bought the porsche or the S2000" If you bought the S2000, you'd probably be happy, but you'd always wonder. If you bought the porsche, you'd never give the other cars a thought unless something went pear shaped with it.
  9. No argument here, Redline is definately a great oil, but it is by no means a perfect one. I couldn't justify the extra $ for little to no benifit on my car. But hey, that's my choice. I'm just extending that choice to others. I beleive the GTR takes 4.8 litres of oil.
  10. no interest? Oh well. I should mention that street commodores did a test that measures film strength and metal on metal protection, and Royal Purple came out on top, beating Redline, Penzoil, motul and many other top name brands. The test involved having a rotating disc dipped in an oil well making contact with a non lubricated cylinder (meeting point perpendicular to rotation of cylinder, meaning lotsa friction. They then put weights on the arm holding the cylinder to increase load. The only oil to come near royal purple was a penzoil one. Can't remember which. It took a full 3 pound load before a scar on the bearing could be seen. Royal purple took 3 pounds and no scar until they took the oil well away, and even then the scar was miniscule. I've got the oil in my engine and have noted a slight drop in oil pressure (went from 7.5W-30 to 10W40 though) a much easier cold start, quieter idling and a better ride, although I admit I did an ECU reset when I did the oil change, so that would have had an impact too.
  11. could be thrust bearing, or it could be a real cricket. Go to a pet store and buy some spiders, preferably a huntsman style and put them in various locations on the car. Also works well for car security.
  12. Kozeyekan

    Sexpo 06

    I didn't go this year, just because I heard it was basically just a big porn store. I went last 2 years though (with my gf) and had a great time. Drinks, hot cars, spa's and pools, travel guides, boats, etc. It was less about actual SEX than a more free open lifestyle. Sadly it seems like it's become more like Adultmatchmaker meets ebay. but whatever. If people want to go, power to them. My girl wanted to go to see if she could get 'strip to fit' by Carmen Electra from there, but we saw it on amazon.com pretty cheap so we got it there anyway. Is it wrong that I kind of like the fact that my girlfriend has stopped going to the gym with her friends, and now they go to a strip-fitness place? Maybe she's just pretending to be bi-sexual. I can live with that.
  13. Victorian police seem to be still in the middle of an "it's us against them" attitude. Maybe it's a left over from the hoddle street bombing. Remember all those crims that somehow got shot while trying to be arrested? Not that I'm really sympathetic for them. If someone blew up a few of my workmates, I'd be pissed too. But a side effect is that vic police closed ranks, and pretty much formed a solid block. Not a bad thing, but in a line of work where it IS often a matter of life and death, it magnifies the effect a hundred fold. It's gotten to a level where it seems they're segregating themselves from the society they are here to protect. I know there are some police on these forums who are great people, and they might have a different viewpoint on this, but htis is just my personal observations in my interactions with police over the last decade (both in my work and in my personal life). No doubt being a cop is a tough job. I know I wouldn't want to be the one to knock on someones door at 3am to tell them their kid died in a car smash, but it doesn't mean they can become little despots on the roadways either. If this guy is truly being un reasonable, report him through proper, official channels. Maybe he wanted to make a point that you were not going to get special treatment. I've made reports based on officer behaviour before, I had one cop become very aggressive to the point of verbal abuse, I filed the report and they called me a week or so later to tell me that the guy had just come from a domestic violence situation that ended up with an 8 year old being in hospital and badly burned. He sent me a written apology and also called me on the phone. I'm a reasonable guy, so I let it go at that. Most cops aren't bad people, but their bad days are worst than most of ours. Not that it's an excuse to act like an arsehole to anyone, but it can be a contributing factor. The cop in this situation seemed like an OK guy over the phone. Either that or an awesome bullshitter.
  14. I should be there, but won't be entering. Too much competition in the R32 category. Too bad we couldn't do a tie in with sexpo. Drive a skyline and get teh chicks! (or blokes if that's what you're after)
  15. On a side note, if anyone is interested in a group buy for Royal Purple products in Victoria, I've started a thread in the vic section. If there is enough interest I'll organise it, but I'd rather keep it vic only, as it'd be much easier to keep track of, and other states seem to be able to find RP products easily enough.
  16. Hi everyone. Well, I went on the hunt for royal purple engine oil and tranny fluid. I went to various places and they either had to import from the US taking a month or more, and only did it by the quart, or they would not order it in at all. In the end, I decided to drop a line to royal purple Australia and ask. I talked with a good bloke and he said because they didn't have many distributors in Melbourne, they'd sell to me direct. I bought some and am off and running. They also said they'd look after us if I wanted to organise a group buy, so here I go. The price they gave me was 5ltr 10W40 $82.50 75W90 1 Quart $28.70 x 3 Total including freight $180.60 5 litres is about 5.5 quarts, the best I've heard of was for about $17.50 a quart, this works out to be about $15 a quart. If we get enough interest, I'm sure they can do better, but it's kind of a balancing act. I need to know if you guys are interested. The more interest, the better deal we get, the better deal we get, the more interest. Drop a line here if you want to get some. If you have any queries, let me know on this topic so I can answer it here for everyone. Anyone that does not know about royal purple, feel free to check out www.royalpurple.com.au or www.royalpurple.com for the US site. From a lot of opinions, it's a competitor redline in terms of performance, but a bit cheaper. As my car is not hard tuned, I can definately justify getting great fluids for my vehicle, but redline is a bit pricey for me. Anyone else who has used Royal Purple, feel free to endorse or discuss here. I'll see how many are interested and we'll go from there. PS: http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/in...showtopic=22458 is the ongoing discussion about 'the good on oils' RP gets a bit of endorsement there.
  17. This is true logically speaking. If something breaks down, and it's cheaper to replace than to fix, it's generally wiser to get a new one. However, I know that I am rather attached to my car. If my car was a repairable write off, it'd be smart to part it out and buy a new one, but part of me wouldn't want to see my pride and joy slowly become a skeleton picked at day by day. If I could repair it, I would. So it's always personal choice. If it's just transport, ditch it and get a newie. If it's a source of pride and freedom, consider a repair.
  18. If you import, you'll have to wait, but it's cheaper than buying locally, and I beleive they're in better condition, as jap roads are much better than Aussie roads, and sadly a lot of Aussie drivers. Try jspec.com or prestigemotorsport.com.au I bought through J-spec and found them great, I almost bought through prestige, but the car I wanted sold, but they were fantastic. If you want hints on importing, just PM me, and I'll tell you what I went through.
  19. I'll take the standard turbo, where are you located? How much for postage to 3108?
  20. Keying shits me to tears. It's cowardly, it's expensive and it's a massive pain in the arse. I'd rather some one come up to me with an issue than do a bitch thing like that behind my back.
  21. Roxy where? I drive all over the place, I live in Doncaster, but work in Maribyrnong, so I split my time between the two areas. My car is white, standard height and kit. I have an SAU sticker on the passenger rear window. If this is the car you mean, give me a wave!
  22. There you go, like I said, it was only second hand information. So X-Force is a definate viable option. The real question is, do you go and get it done, or do you roll up your sleeves, get out a 14mm socket and have a crack yourself? I recommend having a go at it. Even if you've never done anything on a car, you're only replacing a pipe, but it does give you some sense of accomplishment to DO something to your car rather than simply PAY someone else to do it, though asking advice never hurts at all.
  23. OK, now I'm really fkn confused. Maybe I'll have to go to a workshop. I got a bunch of other parts to go in anyway.
  24. Hi all. Just wondering if any GTS-4 drivers have put a boost gauge into their car. I've searched and found instructions for a GTS-t and a GTR, but say to splice the stock boost gauge line, which the GTS-4 does not have. I could have a crack at finding a solution, but thought I may as well ask if anyone has done it before. The GTS-4 really is the oddball of the family, maybe we need our own section.....
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