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Everything posted by FrangaR33

  1. No worries Best Victorian P-Plater car imo is the NA Supra, it has the speed and is quite the confortable cruiser too. S13 Silvia's and the 180sx get an honourable mention as well, they are reasonable quick cars and both hold there values brilliantly well because P-platers always want a cool first car. Although fastest car now legal for P-platers that I know of is the factory turbo VL commodore which can be great fun but are cop bait.
  2. Actually Boz the VP is the fastest commodore ever. The VN V6 did 0-100 in 8.1 seconds the VP did it in 8.0. They just kept getting slower and slower from the VP onwards because they kept adding safety feature after feature but not that much more power until the slowness peaked with the VT V6 which did 0-100 in 9.1 seconds. The current VE is still slower than a VP it does it in 8.6 seconds. To those of you comparing sporty cars like the Magna VRX with the Commodore just dont, your comparing something built with sporting pretensions with a car just designed to be a family car. If you want to make a fair comparison compare it with the likes of an SS or a Clubbie, and by the way the Commodores that have an S after the name only means you get a stupid spolier and a bodykit not more power. Also the VT came out in 97 not 03, so if you want to compare sporty family cars, VY SS vs 03 Magna VRX, I wonder which one would win In comparison with a modern aussie V8, turbo 6 or turbo Supra or Skyline definetly. But for an NA car its definetly a quick one 0-100 in 6.59 seconds is pretty impressive it would trounce every car we have discussed in this thread.
  3. I just dont understand their mentality, why drive so bloody slowly? Or is it just the fact that all their speedo's are out by 20km/h. I'm from Melbourne yet people dont seem to drive anywhere near as slowly as they do in Sydney, in fact they are more likely to be speeding or tailgating you for doing the speed limit. And in Melbourne we've had mobile speed camera's for years and no one gives a shit. The mentality of the Sydney driver just seems geared up to drive slowly and if there is the threat of a speed camera they drive even slower.
  4. Unlucky mate, its just good that your both okay. Hopefully the old lady doesnt give you too much grief and you can either get it repaired under insurance or get paid out so you can get that SupraTT
  5. Sounds about right to me, all the cars i've ever driven have been the same way especially those without the fuel light. Of course if you own a VP Commodore you just go by the odometer because you know off by heart how much you get from a tank
  6. I take my hat off to you Iinet. A victory for common sense and for once its a corporation thats struck a blow for freedom and privacy.
  7. That would definetly be an awesome game. I suppose I didnt really think about NFS 1 and 2, to me its High Stakes and Underground that made the NFS series, I dont really know why with Shift and Pro Street they tried to take on the likes of GT and Forza. Just keep making street racing games its what your good at EA.
  8. Thats true. Especially about the tailgaters. I consistently rage out at the f**kers who tail gate me, although I have a big tow bar so I think there car will come of second best. After having to do an emergency stop without the aid of an electronics I know exactly how far it takes for a car doing 70km/h to come to a complete stop and the vast majority of people dont leave nearly enough room to be able to stop in the event of an accident. It just gives me the shits that this isnt common knowledge amongst not only P-Platers but the entire driving community. I consistently see 4 or 5 cars all bunched up together and if they had to stop all 5 cars would be totally wrecked, I find myself willing it to happen so they would finally learn their lesson not to tailgate and have it not be at my expense or of that someone who matters to me.
  9. Speed cameras are a stupid idea when they are fixed in place which results in everyone drive 15-20km/h less than the signed limit not just when your near the camera but within about 1km of it. So now we get to have that everywhere oh wonderful, I wonder whats going to happen when people start dying because they are too busy looking at their speedo so they dont get a fine. Are we going to have a massive campaign "not paying attention, that means you have a small penis" like the pinky campaign against speeding.
  10. Hey guys my girlfriend is interested in getting the HTC Desire on the Telstra $49 cap plan but she's a student so i'm not sure if she will get approved or not. She gets youth allowance so she has an income but i'm not sure that will be enough for them to let her have the phone. If any of you know what the actual deal is with getting plans from Telstra when your a student that would be great. Also if any of you know if the Desire is coming to Optus soon that would be even better so that way she could put it on her dad's business plan. Thanks
  11. Oh I see what you did there When it comes to anything more complex than a Falcon or Commodore I can only echo your sentiments. I have only heard good things about state roads and it seems $500 is a small amount of money to part with to avoid years of pain and thousands of dollars in potentional repairs.
  12. JoeyJoeJoe wasnt to referring to all P-Platers just the vast majority. To be honest anyone with half a brain can keep themselves out of trouble in a car as long as they pay attention and have a reasonably well maintained car. IMO it takes skill to get a car out of a bad situation and not end up hitting that tree or oncoming car. How many people who are average drivers manage to not kill themselves when presented with such a situation? not many i'm afraid, thats one of the reason our road toll is the way it is.
  13. +1 If I want hot girls I have the internet for that, not paying $8 for a magazine thats supposed to be about cars. If you want to learn about skylines look no further than here on SAU, I have learned more about Skylines on here than I would learn from reading 1,000 copies of Zoom or HPI. Just lurk around for a bit in all of the mechanically related forums, be it maintenance or forced induction there are alot of lessons to be learned.
  14. +1 Good luck to ANCAP getting a Ferrari for crash testing purposes in this country. Its funny when you read through the back of Top Gear AU magazine there is no crash test info on any of the supercar manufacturers, whether it be Lamborghini, Ferrari, Porsche or Aston Martin. I must say props to Audi though for letting the people at ANCAP destroy an R8, now thats commitment to safety.
  15. Once again Victoria triumphs over all the rest
  16. What sort of connection do you have? In my experience the seeds and peers is obviously the biggest factor besides your connection. Also throttling back your upload speed will have a detrimental effect on your download speeds too. Here in Australia we are often limited by our upload speeds because torrents automatically give the better download speeds to those people uploading at a faster rate and those people are usually in North America or Europe. I think Utorrent is the best client, it uses the least amount of system resources and seems to give the same if not better speeds than other clients. Also Utorrent is the preffered torrent program for most of the private trackers I know of.
  17. Rest in peace. Hopefully the others involved in the accident recover. It unfourtunetly begs the question if he cant control that car, can the average ham fisted motorist?
  18. I still thought the yanks we're fatter, last time I checked they were still slighter fatter but not by much roughly 3-4% more. It was only a stereo type joke anyway I know we are right behind them in the obesity race, nearly 70% of Aussies are overweight or obese. Exactly its not possible for Australia to be self suffecient with Ethanol, not if we still want to be self suffecient with food. I completely agree that we should use more of the agricultrual byproduct for ethanol and considering the governments current stance on green technology they probably will. There are several techonologies currently being used and trialed world wide that is used to convert non arable land to land that could at least be used for farming something. Perhaps even ethanol, it would be nice to have our own self suffecient fuel supply especially as fuel effeciency in cars improves.
  19. So no cars, but more drugs and hookers
  20. I suppose you trade one freedom for another no matter where you go. I'm all for the rule of law but getting someone for being 5km/h over a freeway is ridiculous its nice to see that the "super troopers" see it the same way. Maybe the highway patrol in the states doesnt want to bother with speeders because they want to be chasing down drug runners or murderers, like they should be in this country. I meant it must be nice like you say to not have stare at the speedo half the time and actually concerntrate and enjoy the experience of driving I look forward to experiencing it for myself one day. Oh and by the way sweet idea going out of your way to go see the SR-71 its a once in a lifetime sort of oppurtunity and I hope totally worth it
  21. LOL especially at old berryl and bob. The whole program is sensationalist designed to scare you and demonise minoritys whether it be car enthuasists or any other group small enough to be ragged on all the time without the majority standing up and saying WTF!?!?! I especially like the episodes where they find these people who got high interest loans from the local "we give you an advance or your pay cheque" folks and then they end up owing them 10's of thousands of dollars and its some how the lenders fault?
  22. That is truly brilliant. Having that liberating attitude toward speed must be great in the U.S with all those big long highways people have to traverse everyday. I suppose thats why here in Australia people dont really make a fuss about speed camera's very few people do long highway drives like you have to in America. I suppose its because a large number of Americans go to college quite far away from their homes and then also move away from their families so they are forced to drive hundreds if not thousands of miles to visit their families a couple of times a year. If only we could have some sort of movement like that in Australia and finally stop the revenue raising.
  23. Great write up I would encourage more members to do similar articles if they rent themselves a similarly interesting car. Must of been quite the experience barelling down the highway with that V8 noise egging you on to go faster. Definetly something i'd like to experience when I trek to the USA.
  24. I wouldnt hold my breath on the 360 slim being any more reliable than the current one. Its all the same stuff except stuffed into a smaller package which is bound to cause problems. When the PS2 slim came out it was the biggest POS with them dying left right and centre. The PS3 slim seems to be the exception to the rule, I got one about 5 months ago and its been going great. Also considering the OP wants to flash his drive to play backup's I would say the jury is still out as to whether the 360 slim can be flashed or not. To those of you who have flashed 360's be forewarned I got banned a while back and the bastards at Microsoft not only banned me from live but they took away my ability to install games to the HDD and when you try and put your HDD onto another 360 it corrupts all your save games. (there is a way to uncorrupt your save game but there is no automated process you have to manually uncorrupt them, in my case over a thousand files) I dont give a shit about being banned from Live, PSN is a much better service in terms of lag for me anyway but dont f**k up my console, I bought it, the features are mine not yours to f**k up whenever you feel like it.
  25. Out of those 3 i'd have the C63 all the way, i saw one in person and god does it sound good. Its a Merc which means a nice interior and good ride comfort and with that AMG V8 you can blast down the road into the sunset and make all those people in clubby's and GT falcons feel stupid that their V8 are so inadequate.
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