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Everything posted by FrangaR33

  1. All hail Elias, king of the game soundtracks Masssive thanks dude
  2. Do you have the soundtrack for NFS Porsche Challenge/Porsche Unleashed? I have been looking for it for ages.
  3. Either do I, but selling the games ebay means cheaper 360. I did that last time I bought a 360 made myself back $90 off the purchase price
  4. Welcome That sounds like a brilliant project, your definetly going to raise some eyebrows with that sort of power out of 240sx . Its nice to see the RB love spreading around the world
  5. Yeah its definetly a brilliant deal, I would of bought one if hadnt of fixed one my broken 360's Also at JB you can get that same deal plus Banjo Kazooie, Halo Wars and Bioshock for just $299
  6. Lower perfomance turbocharged or supercharged vehicles From 6 July 2009, drivers issued with a probationary licence on or after 1 July 2007 may drive some lower performance turbocharged or supercharged vehicles. The definition of a lower performance turbocharged or supercharged vehicle is a vehicle with 6 cylinders or less that is: turbocharged or supercharged with a power to weight ratio of less than 100kW per tonne turbocharged or supercharged with a power to weight ratio between 100kW and 125kW per tonne and that is considered to be a family type vehicle (4 seats or more) rather than a sports type vehicle. A family type vehicle is a sedan, station wagon or hatch normally used to carry families/passengers with 4 or more seats and are equipped with child restraint anchorages. A family type vehicle does not include a sports car (two door coupe). From vicroads website I think they changed it back, at least for turbo's and superchargers. Mainly because VW and Mercedes got in the governments face about no P-platers being able to drive their car because nearly all them have a low boost turbo or supercharger.
  7. I'm pretty sure the RS4 is a manual only proposition so it would depend if that mattered to you or not. Its definetly a tough call but I would be leaning towards the BMW's. But it would be hard to go past the M3, 3.2L straight six and 0-100 in 4.6 seconds stock. If you have a family or will have mates in it on a regular basis the 335i, if you dont have a family or are just having this as a weekend car I would go the M3.
  8. LOL that is f**king priceless, i'll have to come out with you guys one night when I move back to Vic
  9. Good on ya its the way to go that way you can keep more of your cash in your pocket for when you get off your P's Most people who just got their P's just want the turbo by any means.
  10. Welcome to SAU Interesting conversion for the Falcon, that EA of yours must go pretty fast for a NA I would wait till you can drive a turbo I can pretty much guarantee your EA would destroy an N/A Skyline
  11. LOL you can get an factory VL turbo for less than 6k and that is considered legal because its less than 125kw per ton.
  12. Holy thread revival Batman its only been almost a year Thanks to my 360 banage I am now playing online on PSN. My gamertag is "Cirrat" and I mainly play GTA IV and MW2 online
  13. Well done, welcome to a world of solo driving and realising how truly rubbish the driving is of your fellow road users. If you are just after a cheap reliable car I would definetly reccomend a R31 skyline, they can be had for less than $1000 and they go forever, also if you end up getting a GTS-T at some point you can swap out the bottom end for RB25/30 goodness
  14. Well you only tend to need insurance when you crash Eps On a more serious note considering the dificulty of changing it over I wouldnt bother with it, anythings possible its just a question of how much money you want to throw at it. If you want to spruce up your interior maybe consider a retrim, maybe some nice suede or leather, would be a hell of a lot cheaper than messing around with the steering wheel
  15. Welcome to SAU, we all hope you enjoy your time here Considering your a girl be prepared for A LOT of attention
  16. Sorry I meant I disagree about the insurance prices being justified, your absolutely right about the price of insurance. I tried to insure a 02 BMW M3 and couldnt find insurance under 10k GBP. I realise about the liability but its ridiculous that I can get 3rd party for a commodore here in Australia for $300 and do up to $20 million worth of damage, yet in the UK insurance is 5 or 10+ times more, it doesnt really add up in my mind. Unless of course UK drivers are that much worse than us, although the most obvious explanation is they are just screwing people for every cent.
  17. I must say I disagree with your sentiment about UK insurance. Yes its like that in the UK but in the states you can quite cheaply drive around in a new shape Mustang GT at 16 years old and insurance wont even set you back that much depending on your neighbourhood. The UK has an over reaction to P-Platers imo, insurance shouldnt cost 10 times what the car is actually worth.
  18. +1 What does bother me about some of the replies in here is the amount of people he has defending him, if you've lost your license 3 times in 5 years you are either a massive dickhead or the most unfairly victimised person on earth. This person clearly fits into the former by his own admission of speeding on numerous occasions. Now if this was in any other section of SAU and about any other car this guy would be coping massive amounts of shit from everyone. Now just imagine for a second that this guy was trying to insure his VL Turbo and lost his license 3 times, how much sympathy would he get then? absolutely f**king zero. Just because someone has a super car it doesnt make them a better person, just better at making money. How many times have we had people come into our respective state sections after losing their licenses and get absolutely blasted by all of us because we dont to be associated with that sort of behaviour, yet own a R35 and all is forgiven. If I am misreading the mood feel free to correct me.
  19. Top lulz, i'm 23 and insuring a 2008 R35 GTR with RACV would cost me (full comp) Car Comprehensive Annual Amount $1,573.34 Monthly Instalment $142.20 Proposed start date 19 June 2010 Vehicle 2008 NISSAN GTR IMP COUPE 3.8 Litres Market Value including modifications ** Excesses Basic Excess: $2,000 Age Excess: Driver under 25 years $400 So the moral of the story is dont lose your license and you will be a rich man.
  20. E3 2010: Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit Preview - Criterion takes the series back to the past for its bright new future. US, June 16, 2010 by Martin Robinson If last year's Need for Speed: Shift rekindled the long-running racing franchise, then Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit is a full-on resurrection. Criterion, master of the arcade racer as attested by the Burnout games, have been given the keys to EA's series, and the results are incredible – an artful blend of the old and the new, it manages to acknowledge Need for Speed's glorious past while mixing in an inspired level of connectivity. There's a love of the classic Need for Speeds that's apparent as soon as the demo begins – two Lamborghinis play a lethally fast game of cat and mouse, a Murcielago tailed by a Reventon decked out in black and white cop colours and their pursuit taking them through the verdant Pacific Midwestern roads of the fictional Seacrest County, lined with big firs under a clean blue sky. It's the joy and unfettered beauty of the open road as so wonderfully embodied by the 1994 3DO original, and it's being torn apart by the kind of high speed chase that was a feature of arguably the best instalment since, 2002's Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit 2. True to Criterion's last effort, the hugely impressive Burnout Paradise, Need for Speed Hot: Pursuit is an open world racer – but this world is much more expansive, taking in 100s of miles of road. There are two sides to take – the cops and the suspects, both of which feed in to a selection of game modes. The only one on display today, however, is Interceptor, taking in the game of cat and mouse that took centre stage at EA's conference. The thrill of the chase is intoxicating within itself, thanks to an exhilarating sense of speed that's amplified by a rechargeable nitrous boost and some sublime handling. It's initially galling, especially to anyone schooled in Burnout's own unique model, and is much weightier than Criterion's past games. The low-slung Lamborghinis soon reveal themselves to be a delight to throw around, swinging their plump posteriors around corners simple yet satisfying. It runs deeper than that though, and there's a surprising level of nuance to the chase. The win states are self explanatory – for the chaser, it's about pummelling the suspect into submission, and for them it's just about getting away. Power-ups add strategy; the d-pad houses four of them, ranging from the cop deploying a helicopter to keep eyes on the suspect or calling in a road block to a radar jamming device that renders the mini-map useless and an EMP blast that temporarily immobilises the opponent. Overlooking all of this is an XP system – here called Bounty – that informs the levelling system that runs through Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit. It's topped up by familiar feats; driving into oncoming traffic, checking cars and maxing out the speedometer. Best of all, it's persistent both online and off. And while the offline game will doubtless be comprehensive – although Criterion aren't showing too much of it just yet – it's online where Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit's focus is, and it's the Autolog that'll be its very heart. Autolog is Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit's very own social network, and while Bizarre's recent trailblazing in this area with Blur has stolen some of its thunder it's well thought out nevertheless. What it has over its opposition is its dynamism – Autolog automatically pulls in data from friends, recommending challenges based on their activities, be that a recent hot race or time attack record smashed. It's even got its own Twitter-esque live feed where status updates and recent achievements mix with photos pulled in from both the real world and from the world of Seacrest County. It's exciting stuff, and Criterion have managed to honour the series' heritage while acknowledging their own, and it's to Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit's credit that the only real frustration is that so little is being shown off right now. We'll be sure to bring you more between now and its November release. Definetly free roam boo yah
  21. hahaha +1 for $250 they are gonna give you a chance to ruin the clutch and put it into the wall, I think not.
  22. Yeah it can be a bit frustrating at times but thats why I nearly always drift the wider tracks I do love drifting around the docks though thats top fun especially when you start to string it all together in a more or less continuess drift
  23. + 1 I remember driving my dad's old EA falcon and owning a guy in new SS commodore in the traffic light GP (to the speed limit, at least thats the way I do it), it had just stopped raining and he was all over the show it was hilarious, naturally about 400m down the road he comes flying past at 150+km/h while i'm putting along doing 80km/h Whats wrong with the old WRX's back when you could have a penis and like women but still drive one? I do make an exception for coming 2011 WRX Sedan which looks like it might be a very good car
  24. IMO pro street is the worst game to ever have a the NFS name on it, maybe one of the worst racing games ever considering how hyped it was. The physics were completely wrong and there was no free roam only bullshit racing. If I just want to race i'll play Forza, Grid or Gran Turismo. Pro Street was so bad I actually threw the game away so that I saved one person from playing that piece of shit. Need for speed needs to stick to its street racing roots as opposed to trying compete with the millions of circut racing games. The drift mode in Grid is EPIC! I think its the best most realistic drift mode in a car game to date, it has its flaws, but overall 9.9/10. I randomly get it out now and then go for a burn in the AE86 around my favorite track
  25. No idea yet but considering the current state of the NFS series I would imagine so. To R32_Skyline_GTS I couldnt agree more with you about the Underground series, I still get out the old PS2 and play NFS: Underground 2 to this very day.
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