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Fitted Hicas Lock, Need New Boss Kit.

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Hi all, 1993 RT32 GT-R. I fitted a Tomei HICAS lock to disable HICAS and it's great.

I just bought a new steering wheel and was wondering whether I needed the HKB On 110 HICAS Boss Kit or can I just basically use any R32 Boss Kit now that Hicas is disabled?

Thanks in advance for any help!

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Hey man.

Not meaning to go "off topic" here but I was curious how easy/hard it was to install that lock up kit?

This link here shows a place selling the kit and instructions on how to install it.


Are they correct? Is there anything to add or that you feel is important to mention? Can you remove the kit, hook up the HICAS again to use it if your tracking?

Sorry for the questions but I want to install this on my car and just wondered these things.

Thanks a lot.

Cheers B)

Edited by sidewazegtst
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