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Hi all,

I'm quite new to this forums and also skylines in general.. lately since i live in japan i have been looking into R34 skyline sedans but i could not find any useful information =D or i maybe just a noob

anyways here goes

Are they rare?

Are they still powerful compared to the R34 coupe?.

Is the handling still good?.

Does it require more attention then the coupe car maintance wise?

thank you very much for your help.. im still quite a newb to this thanks for putting up with it!

/discuss :/

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Are they rare?


Are they still powerful compared to the R34 coupe?.

Yes if you get a R34 sedan with the same RB25DET Neo that the coupe has.

Is the handling still good?.

Will be as good as the coupe.

Does it require more attention then the coupe car maintance wise?

No. Well, you have more backseat area so I guess its more area to work on when you're cleaning the interior!

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Thanks so much guys for your answers =D haha my questions really do seem noobish.. but i dont know where to ask

also Wink mate,

what does this mean "RB25DET Neo that the coupe has."

im guessing its a engine number right?

also SkylineT04Z mate,

What is Wins D1 series.. haha im so noob when it comes to cars :ban:

thanks so much for putting up with it;)

ps is there a place i can read all about skyline parts and series etc..

haha manythanks

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The best engine you can get on the R34 sedan is called the RB25DET NEO. It is also the same engine as the R34 coupe.

The R34 sedan came with the following engines

RB25DET - 2.5L Turbocharged

RB25DE - 2.5L non turbo

RB20DE - 2.0L non turbo

The fastest would obviously be the RB25DET so get a sedan with that engine.

D1 is the drifting competition in Japan.

Here is the R34 sedan that Nomuken (D1 driver) drives:


And if you don't know what drifting is:


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