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NSW REAL BAD Speeding fine..


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I'd like to put my hand up and say,

My name is Rick, and i've been done at Homebush Bay.

Fortunately for me it was only 15-30 over. Too easy on those roads, especially when theres not a car in sight, you just wouldn't think to check your speed.

I think you'll have to cop it. Theres not many excuses you can cough up that anyone will listen to :D

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Guest 2flyby

seriously decide whether u need ur license now or in a year if u dont really need it now cop the fine, but if u do then what i recommend is go to court. this will take a year for the case to be heard so u will still be allowed to drive for the year till ur court case,

i got done for 48 over and i went to court to apeal it it took a year for the case to even get there, the judge said i was a time waster and said i had no evidence and i was guilty, i pleded that i was a student and i had no traffic offenses in the last year, sbasically wear a nice shirt pants and see if ur dad or mum can say a few words. even though the judge will go why are u hear u just remain that u were innocent and u dont think u were doing what the policeman said u were doing and say 1500 is alot to pay for a student.

i got off 3months suspension

56$ court fees

and a 500 fine :D the cop and prosicuter was like WTF! ahahah sweeet beats paying 1500

hope this helped

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Originally posted by ZERO

i'm gonna go try fight it out at court anyways... better than nufin....

you might want to think about that a bit more. although i do think you might have a small chance of reducing your fine, it can backfire on you and you can cop a bigger fine. on top of the court fees you can get a maximum of $2200 and minimum of 6 month suspension.

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A guy I used to work with was pulled over for speeding, his reason was that he believed he was about to have an asthma attack. The police gave him a fine and 3 month suspension, he took it to court and walked away with a 6 month suspension.

Just be carefull when taking it to court.

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I use the


worked twice...

but, in all honesty, i'd be taking that to court, no lawyer, rep yaself, and tell the truth. I'v seen worse get off, including a mate in a similar situation, where he was speeding and went thru a red light at St Peters.. while they were doing big roadwords, all the glare rebounded off the metal sheets they cover the road with, glared him to death, and went thru a red light. Went to court and the maj. told the cop he was a heartless man with no undertstanding.. all over, he wins....

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Oh, and as for Homebush bay... Some signs are in bad places.

I was with a mate once after new years eve at his dad's unit, and we went for a fang in his mum's verada....we had a run in with a local cop, who came from no-where, pulled us over, and tried to tell us her were driving dangerously and at high speeds throughout homebush all night.... he denied it, i was confused as to where he must have seen us, since we had just left his dad's unit, and the engine temp on the car was still cold...all the proof we needed was the engine temp, when he saw that, he got angry... i dunno what proof he thought he had, but... asks questions about cops....personally, i hate highway patrol officers.. they love pushing you...bastards

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i I fought similar situation that happened to me when I got caught driving unlicensed due to a bungle of roads and traffic authority I actually took the matter to court and won , the suspension lifted and fine reduced , so I wish you all the best and don’t feel like the law is always is right matters in life arnt always black and white its you right to question it .

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most people slow down when they cant see the road because of the sun or what ever reason...

even if you didnt know it was 40, it was still unlikely to be more than 60...

Sorry to sound harsh, but usually its one bad apple ruins it for all.

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I've been driving a lot in Olympic Village (mainly because my car is shit on Parramatta Road). When the sun gets in your eyes and it's peak hour it's a bit dicey... lots of poles, median strips, park rangers etc.

The signs are also way too many.


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hey guilt toy

i have written my letter explain the situation already.. i'm just wondering would i need to send in my fine notice with the back of it sign stating i would like to elect the matter? or do i just tell them in the letter that i would like to elect the matter and take it to court?

man this is the most bs fine i have ever received not happy at all.

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Guest SiM97

too bad about fine! but i think like evry says here i think your going to have to live with the infringment and do the time! if he had it on radar and you didnt dispute the claim of speeding. there aint a thing the court going to do!

rays of sunshine or not!:P

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i say you dont bring anymore dramas then there already is

just call up the infringement office, and tell them your a full time student n u dont work..blah blah and they 'should' let you pay the fine off slowly...w.o interest..

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  • 3 weeks later...

yeh true about the court fees and time .... just think about it man ..you know you were speeding and hey 47 over hehe even if u say i was blinded by the light and couldnt see the speedo ...there question would be then why were you going that fast when u couldnt see the road at all .......man just cop it, they will declaire you were deliberatley trying too avoid your speeding fien and slap another 3 months or 500 bux on it ....trust me its very hard too fight the law ...hehe ..... still u have my simpathy ...hey just cop the fine and drive anyway haha ...... or just save all your money and upgrade your car .....

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