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Who Tinted Your Windows?

Mr. Keets

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I got my tint done at tint-a-car in joondalup.

Didnt do a bad job but it was only 35% (darkest legal) tint.

Iv seen a photo of a skyline with TKO plates on it. Them plates used to be owned by Trent who owns TKO tinting and can add logos and graphics etc. See if it is him with the skyline and he might be able to give ya cheaper price. He is also a mobile tinting service (comes to your house or work).


Let us know what he says if you make contact with him as im gonna get a ute tinted soon. Dont make the same mistake i made too - got my car tinted on a stinking hot day and couldnt open the windows for few days hahaha... Sweating like a pig.

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Mr Keets - Let us know how you go with Trent's work as ill need a ute tinted when i sell my car...

Was gonna have my R tinted by TKO lastime but just ended up at tintacar as he was pretty booked out.

Are you the one with the GMG 32 with the garretts and the GTR decal on the bodykit???

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Mr Keets - Let us know how you go with Trent's work...

.... GMG 32 with the garretts and the GTR decal on the bodykit???

Yes and Yes...I'm sure the decal is somekinda JDM dealer add-on. Except for one on GTROC its the only one i've seen.

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SunPro in Mirrabooka did my Laser many moons ago in the desert smoke, did a pretty good job too. No bubbles etc with a lifetime gaurantee as long as you are the owner of the car....There is a good place in vic Park but the name escapes me >_< sorry.

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Brother-in-law is a tinter for tint-a-car and did mine for nufin but I slipt him a pineapple for the cost of the tint... its a new slightly thicker film (18%)... I was going to go for the legal 35% but thought if the cops pull me over and want to sticker the car, they will just pick on something else if not my tint, my exhaust or ride height... I like the tint so to hell with what the cops think of it, legal or not... its what you want.

If you want a good job cheap I could ask him... but I have also used trent a few years back and I would use him if I didn't have someone in the family to do it for me!

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Thanks Team

Thanks Scott, but ive already booked and its an excuse to take a day of work....well not much of an excuse at work but it works for me :) Its just a matter of choosing the film I suppose. Im probably going to get 35% but the darker stuff is appealing. Anyone have any issues driving with Darker tint?

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Its only when you get into the 5% stuff do I find you have driveabilty issues (Can't see down sidestreets at night etc)

15% is fine, and is the one I normally go for.

Although on my GTR I thought all that black would be a bit dark (Police attention) so went the 30%.

Still in some lights they look very similar


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