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Sat Night Cruise., 6th Of Jan


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Yeah glad I didn't take my car as my japspec coilovers would NOT have liked those roads at all.. was just too bad my mate got pissed off and decided to bail after the first meet.. freeway leg would have seen some nice runs but he was having major traction issues with the new streetslicks :kiss:

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We barely managed to get a map but I guess the lack of maps was the reason why there was like 50 cars trying to throw ueys on that sketchy bit of Gt Northen Hwy when we all missed Chittering Road or whatever it was (we even had a map and missed it!).

What made me laugh was all the people that came to the church a different way than we did and couldn't see the 20 cars in the dark carpark.. I swear I watched at least 50 cars pulled out and hoon past the church without a clue.. not to mention the Trev's in the v8 commodores lighting it up.. I bet the residents of Bullsbrook loved us :)

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I don't even think there was a sign for chittering coz every 1 missed it!! the drive down brookton was pretty dangerous as we were doing between 180+ kmph to try keep up!! poor lil corolla >_<

oh and dont get me started on those kangaroos!

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We didn't stay for the brookton bit as the car I was riding in had its' boatspec drag suspension still in.. even the leg out to Bullsbrook was pretty scary.. and the driver of that white 33 with gate that over took us (and the 3 cars behind us) then over took another 5 cars ROUND A BEND was f**kin' crazy! car sounded mean tho >_<

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Yeah tiesto I was in that carpark too, I could see a massive queue of cars a street over waiting to pull out onto chittering rd. I was standing under a big light and was a little amused that they couldn't see us.

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freeway run owned! was about the only good thing on that night. had heaps of good runs both north and south.

the amount of people i saw over taking in complete stupidity on the outer city roads was rediculous! some people just dont think.

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freeway run owned! was about the only good thing on that night. had heaps of good runs both north and south.

the amount of people i saw over taking in complete stupidity on the outer city roads was rediculous! some people just dont think.

totally agree :(

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