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Rear Camber

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Just a quick question, if pineapples are fitted to the rear of an r33, will it upset the rear camber at all. I'm having lots of problems setting up camber and tracking and i'm looking for the best setup at the best price. Also I live in Ireland and the roads are full of holes and sheep and goats,

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I have got one set of rear camber bushings installed and set up. But i still have 1.26 degrees of negative camber and i'm wondering is it the pineapples that are causing the extreme camber. I have lowered the car only 40mm on springs.

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you need to get both upper and lower camber adjustments put in. unless you are drifting you don't want zero camber. having a small amount of camber makes the car grip better when turning.

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1.26 neg is nothing to worry about. if you are having trouble with the car wanting to steer itself all over the road, then i would be looking at toe settings.

Seems a bit better since i got it tracked on ssaturday. What sort of toe settings would be suitable for a road gtst. Also does the car have to be running to set the tracking, (i now have a hicas light coming on).

Thanks for all the help so far.

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Ah k, got ya. No the car does not have to be running when it's wheel aligned.

BUT I wouldn't be going to get a new alignment with faulty hicas. get all the suspension and steering working (inc hicas) properly before getting the alignment done.

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Ah yes, should've thought of that.

Fix the hicas problem, or just lock it, and THEN get the wheel alignment, unless you want to pay for it to be done twice ;)

Edited by salad
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