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Don't stress Ash, I get it.

...it seems that one of the questions has since been edited to make it a bit more clear :(

i live in sydney - so i don't know if these rules differ from state to state.

Yes, they do.

If you live in Sydney, go and ask for info in the NSW section so that you can get the information which relates to you.

No point in changing everything if you don't have to.

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this sucks! i have exactly the same problem in my r33 gtst, when i got pulled over on sydney rd coburg, the cop took a photo of my engine bay when he saw my BOV and said thats bad news 'expect a letter from EPA' and bye. i asked if that was legal for him to take a photo, and he said nothing just 'wait for a letter and you will be told wat to do' and he left like that. 2 weeks later i got the letter and after asking for an extension due to work and wasnt approved cause my letter for extension was too late now i have a suspended rego too, so cant even drive it.

i have a HKS BOV, 4inch exhaust, turbo timer, boost controller, intercooler, but no pod and i need to replace them with standard parts very quickly cause its due at EPA on the 29th of may, so if anyone can help that would be great, i will gladly swap my parts with stock BOV and exhaust with cash difference. i wont ask for much depending on condition, as my BOV and exhaust are still in good condition. so please help it will be gladly appreciated, my number is 0421 795 757. SAM


Edited by habibz_r33
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Have you tried ringing up the epa, or going on the epa websites and getting the pdf download on all the modifcations you are allowed to have etc. It's all stated on there website. And yes they do check your car thouroughly. i put mine back to full standard as it was out of the factory. they plug a computer into ur car which checks all the settings for carbon monoxide etc. The guy there is good to not as bad as you would think.

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Sounds way too usual.

The copper is right, you can only have 1 air induction mod. There's no way you will lose your intercooler, right? Hence, just source a standard airbox from somewhere and get rid of the Pod filter. Pod filters (unless enclosed and a proper CAI is employed is shit-house as it sucks way too much hot air from the engine anyways), BOV has to go, if you have a turbo controller that has to go to.

The copper should have given you a nice yellowy canary - just follow that. After you've demoded everything, go get a full RWC done, then bring it to a VICROADS office, they will inspect your vehicle then will stamp the canary as APPROVED and then you're free again.

With the EPA, letters take around 3-5 weeks to arrive - as you know the EPA deals with the environment and bullshit like that - so they are only concerned with your exhaust - you will have to get a smaller exahust. After you do this, bring it to their office (as per the EPA letter) , again they will check, measure etc then if you pass, they will stamp off the letter and give you a receipt of compliance - and that's it. the end of the story.

That's why I say to everyone, do not mod your vehicle until you get it cleared by someone (prefferably VICROADS) that it is legal etc OR get a qualified engineer and get them to write you up a government-approved engineers certificate (will cost heaps, around $650?). So yeah, just watch out next time mate...

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With the EPA, letters take around 3-5 weeks to arrive - as you know the EPA deals with the environment and bullshit like that - so they are only concerned with your exhaust - you will have to get a smaller exahust. After you do this, bring it to their office (as per the EPA letter) , again they will check, measure etc then if you pass, they will stamp off the letter and give you a receipt of compliance - and that's it. the end of the story.

If it's only an exhaust noise test - then an authorised exhaust shop can do the noise test. They don't care about all the other mods, just that it is under the legal limit.

If it's a full blown EPA test - wrong info. EPA are interested in all things that may affect emissions - cams, turbos, intercoolers, pods, afms, computers etc etc.

so you can't just rock up with a FOT and a factory exhaust and it'll pass. Factory everything (except one intake mod) is the order of the day. Good luck if this is the case.

That's why I say to everyone, do not mod your vehicle until you get it cleared by someone (prefferably VICROADS) that it is legal etc OR get a qualified engineer and get them to write you up a government-approved engineers certificate (will cost heaps, around $650?). So yeah, just watch out next time mate...

Vicroads wouldn't know their a$$hole from their earhole. No good asking them if it's "legal" to mod it. Read the legislation and interpretive explanations (and guidelines) - that's the law and it can't be changed. Don't ring em and ask them - the person on the other end of the phone doesn't care or know.

Also, an approved Vehicle Engineer still won't approve something that in their opinion is not safe - eg cutting the front reo to fit a FMIC.

Note to all - check all state legislation before modifying, at least know what you are getting yourself into.

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There was no mention of a boxed pod in the "fist" post.

The officer suggested to return the air filter to stock.

However, jaimzr33 asked about a boxed pod, and was given misleading info.

A boxed pod is perfectly legal. :P

....wow.....you really must be board huh.

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Sounds way too usual.

The copper is right, you can only have 1 air induction mod. There's no way you will lose your intercooler, right? Hence, just source a standard airbox from somewhere and get rid of the Pod filter. Pod filters (unless enclosed and a proper CAI is employed is shit-house as it sucks way too much hot air from the engine anyways), BOV has to go, if you have a turbo controller that has to go to.

The copper should have given you a nice yellowy canary - just follow that. After you've demoded everything, go get a full RWC done, then bring it to a VICROADS office, they will inspect your vehicle then will stamp the canary as APPROVED and then you're free again.

With the EPA, letters take around 3-5 weeks to arrive - as you know the EPA deals with the environment and bullshit like that - so they are only concerned with your exhaust - you will have to get a smaller exahust. After you do this, bring it to their office (as per the EPA letter) , again they will check, measure etc then if you pass, they will stamp off the letter and give you a receipt of compliance - and that's it. the end of the story.

That's why I say to everyone, do not mod your vehicle until you get it cleared by someone (prefferably VICROADS) that it is legal etc OR get a qualified engineer and get them to write you up a government-approved engineers certificate (will cost heaps, around $650?). So yeah, just watch out next time mate...

Ok thats handy advice.. But DO i have to go through the whole Ordeal with Vicroads??? when i purchased the car, the previous owner went and got a roadworthy done, and that was roughly 2.5 months ago, So i have to do all that shit again?? If Vicroads cleared this car as roadworthy less than 3 months ago. does it not Override what ever the hell the EPA say?

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hey guys, thanks all for the help so far. now i have stock air box and bov in, just need stock boost solenoid, if i had an adjustable boost controller wat is needed to return mine to stock, and is a silencer legal to use to pass EPA on a 4inch tip?

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