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Cruise Alice


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thats so shit man... first they forget your turbo your wiring loom and what else?

so he sends you a s15 turbo and its siezed?? thats so crap!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MEGA :/

sorry to hear that man, whats the bloke that sent you the stuff going to do about it?

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[And does anyone know who was driving the Supra? name

-Must be this guy who is in court tomorrow


Mag 1 20826720 10.00 AM Mention

1 Recklessly endangering life.

2 Recklessly endangering serious harm.

3 Drive at a speed and in manner dangerous

4 Drive at a speed dangerous to the public

5 Exceed speed limit - Over 45km/h


Any word on the Skyline driver? PWC quickly fixed the lights today

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[And does anyone know who was driving the Supra? name

-Must be this guy who is in court tomorrow


Mag 1 20826720 10.00 AM Mention

1 Recklessly endangering life.

2 Recklessly endangering serious harm.

3 Drive at a speed and in manner dangerous

4 Drive at a speed dangerous to the public

5 Exceed speed limit - Over 45km/h


Any word on the Skyline driver? PWC quickly fixed the lights today

That won't look good for PWC, a week goes by and they hadn't had time to get the lights on the highway fixed. Then a death and they are forced to get it done ASAP.

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Probably will be, that's why this week would be a better option.

You racings this weekend jordan or just playing spectator and random person that'll hassle you in the pits? :(

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yea im racing not goin 4 good times just there there hav fun and win best burnout got shit tyers so im looking to do 14 down the quarter so bring u cams out

james needs 2 fin this dvd off so wat ever spare vids u got hand them over or else

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At carmelo's drinikng up. Word is jordan will be attending the drags on sunday, good stuff. The more the better.

Ben Kittle had a dyno run of his car today, stock with twin 3inch cat back exhaust produced a healthy 325.5hp at the wheels. Pretty big power for an otherwise standard and untuned car.

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