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The Sa Wasteland


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Lol yeah my missus has a 10kg cat called Mr. Moo...

It's actually huge. It eats a massive amount of food, vomits, and then eats more food!! And then runs outside and attacks other cats. It's always eating! And vomiting!

It's loud as f*ck when it's running over the roof... sounds like someone jumping on the roof.

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Yeah +1 for pets.

I used to have a rabbit called Munchkins... until it died of a twisted bowel.

Poor thing.

It was 7 years old, which is about right for a normal healthy rabbit.

I even had a leash for it. Took it around the backyard... until it somehow got out the leash. Then spent the next 3 hours running around the yard trying to catch the thing! They run and jump so quickly... and burrow even quicker! That thing was crazy. We caught it by leaving out a bowl of raw oats for it (they love oats) and then threw a towel over it - CIA style.

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yeah hes a ragdoll. They meant to be the most placid cat, but i think i got the reject cos he is so full on.

Im moving out in 2 weeks from my nans house, im gonna leave him with her cos shes so attatched to him, it wouldnt be fair to take him from the place hes lived his whole life so far.. so im thinking about going to the pound to get a new pet, they desperately need homes.

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lol cronic, i use to have like 14 rabbits at one stage! :P I was the sucker who took pets nobody wanted and yeh.. they bred like rabbits.

1 of them escaped once, lived in my neighbours garden. We staked out the garden for 3 nights to catch it, used the good ol blind it with a torch trick. It died a week later anyway :S

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Haha yeah we were going to get another rabbit one time... answered a ad in the paper, got to this house and this girl was like the cat lady off the Simpsons except with rabbits.

She had cages upon cages of rabbits. We walked past a dead one, and she said "oops, I was meant to throw this out earlier" and just picks it up and throws it in the bin.

She even plunked this huge rabbit on us... it weighed like 20kg and was as big as a small baby! It was crazy.

We left that place pretty quickly.

Couldn't believe she had so many rabbits!!

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I had to leave my cat at my mums when I moved out. She lived in the country and its not fair to bring here into suburbs. :P

I used to have horses back in the day, my boy Casper died a few years back but had a good life, he was old.

Brutas was a give away cos the guy did shiftwork and left him locked up all day in a tiny courtyard. Absolute nutter when I got him but he learnt quickly and is an angel now.

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My cat is psycho! Beats up on our staffy. Attacks ANYTHING moving or not.

But boy does it know about it when the little f**ker digs its claws into my lounges! :P

Its name is "Jet" ... but I wanted to call it "Scud". Which is more appropriate as its a furry scud missle!

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The Labrador is bloody dumb. As in so stupid I think it actually is retarded. Its fat and lazy, always wants food and hogs all the affection.

Yep. You pretty much summed it up. Our current dog:


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