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Anyone Been Pulled Over By Plain Clothes Police In An Unmarked Car?


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As per title, i was pulled over on beach rd a couple sunday nights ago (around midnight) by an unmarked car with 2 plain clothes police officers, well, at least i thought they were police...

Turned left onto beach rd from Kerferd rd, i'm not sure if they were behind me at the time or if they came up from port melb way.

Anyway, cruising bang on 60 when i notice someone right up my ass, flashing blue light, and flicking the high beams. No siren, just a dash mounted flashing blue light, nothing external either, so thinking it's the police i pull over.

At this stage, i didn't know two people were in the car, but it was a white Toyota pickup, i THINK it was a Hilux? Looked like the new model and was sitting quite high off the ground.

Dude comes to the window, asks for my licence. Of course he had to have the standard issue maglite/light on him that he had to shine in my face, so i couldn't see jack... but i did notice he had some sort of id around his neck hanging of a orange lanyard. He never showed me the ID or said he was police, didn't think anything of it at the time.

Then the usual questions, name, address, what are you doing, where are you going, where have you come from, why are you working this late... (my answer of "credit card fraud" probably wasn't the smartest at the time). And then he asks, can i look in the boot? I'm like, sure, whatever... it was then i noticed in my rear view mirror a second guy open the boot after i popped it and start rummaging around. Pulled everything up, checked tyre well, etc, etc... they were discussing something they found for a bit, couldn't hear what. The guy comes back and says, studies me for a bit (like just looking straight at me, maybe checking my pupils or something, i dunno), asks if i've got anything in the car i shouldn't have.. "aahh... don't think so?" He's trying to shine the torch through the UV cut glass, but not having much luck :D Then says, i'll just run your licence... This took a lot longer than any other "licence check" i've had done which i thought was a little strange....

Anyway, guy comes back, hands me the licence and before i could say anything, he was off back in the pickup and turned off beach rd.

Couple things...

- He never said he was police, or offered to show me the i.d. around his neck. And because of the constant light in my eyes, i couldn't really even see the i.d. properly anyway. Should plain clothes police say they are actually police?? Every other time i've been pulled over it's been by marked cars.

- Anyone else been pulled over by a white Toyota pickup before? maybe on beach rd somewhere?

- Does it sound legit? I have no idea what was in my boot at the time... but i'm pretty sure there wasn't anything of value in there as i probably would have cleared it out last time i went to Sandown.

I'm not too concerned, just a few thoughts that it might not have actually been police that's all....

i "think" the car looked something like this...


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i know police are using a similars cars to that hilux I have been followed by one myself.. with uniformed police on baord.. however that all doesnt seem very legite to me.. first thing I do when I'm pulled over no matter what for is ask for the officers names and ID number..before handing over my license or anything.. although it seems a lil over confident it is always a good safety measure..i also ensure to get the plates of the police car..no matter what I will wait by the side of the road till they drive off..

Didnt happen to notice anything missing or anything extra placed in your boot did you??

sounds awfully suss to me..

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i checked my boot when i got home... they left my old school jumper leads i had in there... had a few receipts, some parking tickets (not infringements, actual bought tickets) and then yeah, just the spare tyre and jack and stuff... but i don't know if i had anything else in there. I'm pretty sure it was quite empty because of the recent driver training day at sandown, but having said that, i guess i won't know until i can't find something and remember that it was probably in the boot :D

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hope you got the rego...i'd report that if i were you. i highly doubt they would be undercover cops. Did you even get breath tested?

Everything about that sounds dodge. You never know, could be car theieves, they know where you live now. Hope its not though.

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just go to the local police station and tell them what happened and they will be able to find out if it was an unmarked car that pulled you over.

Personally if I wasn't sure it was a police car, I would call 000 and head for the nearest police station, and not pull over until 000 confirmed they were legit.

Just as a btw, the car that blocked me in from the rear when some guys tried to carjack me a while ago, was also a Hilux, but I'm pretty sure it was an older model.

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come to think of it, this is really not cool...

the question of where did i work was asked.... :D

perhaps graeme, our residential cop can shed some info? Reckon i should ring the local police station for that area?

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i could not see it as being even close to legit... umm I'd probably go to your local cop shop or the local station near where it was.. explain what happened ask if theres any records etc.. at least then the cops will keep an eye out too..and in the unlikely event your car does happen to go missing you'll ahve ap olice report to cover your ass with the insurance company also..

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- He never said he was police, or offered to show me the i.d. around his neck. And because of the constant light in my eyes, i couldn't really even see the i.d. properly anyway. Should plain clothes police say they are actually police?? Every other time i've been pulled over it's been by marked cars.

- Does it sound legit? I have no idea what was in my boot at the time... but i'm pretty sure there wasn't anything of value in there as i probably would have cleared it out last time i went to Sandown.

I'm not too concerned, just a few thoughts that it might not have actually been police that's all....

Hmm, an interesting story. The only police I know that are allowed plain-clothes in a non-marked car are detectives.

Someone please correct me if I'm wrong.

Detective are unlikely to be completing traffic duties but I believe they do pull-over people occasionally.

You should have asked for ID or a badge number from the officer.

See ya,


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The only other thing I could think of is if they were federal police, they may not be dressed in blue, but I doubt they would pull you over for a random check.

most federal police have overall things on

wel in canberra they do, when i got pulled over

he was in an unmarked vy stationwagon to

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just on the phone to the sth melb police station at the moment

Definitely worth checking that it was legit. Does sound a little fishy..

as i'm sure your feeling right now, probably would have been worth requesting to see a badge.

In regards to your boot being look through, i always thought that when your pulled over by the police your not to get out of your vehicle unless requested by the officer. I then found out after working with a former highway patrol officer that your quite within your rights to get out of the vehicle and observe anything that they carry out.

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most federal police have overall things on

wel in canberra they do, when i got pulled over

he was in an unmarked vy stationwagon to

yeah, but in Canberra don't the AFP act as your local police also?

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wearing overalls ay ?

u sure it wasnt a farmer.... ? in a tractor.... ?

lol yeh sure was

and the f**ken chased me down to :)

yeah, but in Canberra don't the AFP act as your local police also?

duno i dont think so

i thought they were they for parliment

cause i saw normal cops driving around to in belconnen

they have white cars with fluro yellow and red and police in black

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