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More Direct Air Flow To Air Filters

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I recently installed dual pod filters replacing the standard air box...

I noticed that the original airbox had a little air scoop to feed air in so I was just curious if anyone knew how to create a more direct air passage to the Pod filters...

On a friends r33 I noticed he had an air scoop thing coming from the top of the radiater towards his air box.

So is there some sought of part you can get similiar for an r32....

Reason for my concern is the the area where the pods are is fairly blocked off....


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the filters suck air rather then have air forced into them, the scopes are more so the engine sucks colder air from in front of the engine/ radiator.

if you have the filters not blocked off from the engine bay than you will be sucking in hot air from the engine bay, if the filters are not blocked off start there, some heat sheilding then be-pending on your thoughts you could set a CAI pipe from a front vent in your bar using 3" flexi hose or cut a hole in the body under where your air box sat (should be directly below where your filters sit now).

you could set up a scope through the bonnet above the filters, a reverse scope, so to speck, so the air pushed through the front bar into the sectioned off filters is then sucked out the scope above your filters leaving a constant flow of cold air going passed the filters.

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if you have the filters not blocked off from the engine bay than you will be sucking in hot air from the engine bay, if the filters are not blocked off start there, some heat sheilding then be-pending on your thoughts you could set a CAI pipe from a front vent in your bar using 3" flexi hose or cut a hole in the body under where your air box sat (should be directly below where your filters sit now).

I meant to mean blocked off from any possible outside air....but cheers I will have a look at how to feed piping from the vent through to the bay but from memoery I could really see a passage..might rip of the whole bar to inspect closer...

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the filters suck air rather then have air forced into them, the scopes are more so the engine sucks colder air from in front of the engine/ radiator.

if you have the filters not blocked off from the engine bay than you will be sucking in hot air from the engine bay, if the filters are not blocked off start there, some heat sheilding then be-pending on your thoughts you could set a CAI pipe from a front vent in your bar using 3" flexi hose or cut a hole in the body under where your air box sat (should be directly below where your filters sit now).

Just as rsx84 explained it is how mine is set up - Here's how it looks:




Should give you a good idea.



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cheers steve.

did you have to cut through much to get the piping through

also is there a specific name of metal i should ask for If i wanna get a small sheet like yours ( the part where the pods seperate from the engine.)

Edited by locoloc
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Create a cardboard template to size, then take it to your local metal work fabricator and just get them to cut it out of some 2mm aluminium. It shouldn't cost you more than $50 all up.

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The plate i cut through was very thin. It's the only thing you need to cut through to feed a pipe from the hole to the front of your car. All i did was draw a 70mm circle and drilled around the lines very closely then punched it out. The drill went through without much effort.

For a better reference just make sure you're not drilling into anything else underneath as there's only a small section you can cut through - probably best to remove your front bar and have a look underneath where you're planning on making it.3

Hope that helps.



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For my heat shield I went to my nearest Bunnings - Just as for an Alluminium sheet of 0.5mm thickness. You can then choose how large you want the sheet to be as they've got cuts already made.

As benm said create a cardboard template as it will will save you plenty of hassles.

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bit of a write up on how to make a heat shield: http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/Cai-Box-t208789.html

Steve: That is one neat CAI setup - nice work

Hehe cheers Abu - I was going to make it like my cousins airbox but my pod sits too high up and couldn't be bothered getting an elbow made up to extend the pod further. The shield is enough to prevent most hot air from being sucked in anyway.

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Hehe cheers Abu - I was going to make it like my cousins airbox but my pod sits too high up and couldn't be bothered getting an elbow made up to extend the pod further. The shield is enough to prevent most hot air from being sucked it anyway.

Yep, the shield would do most of the work - I think the lid wouldn't do a great deal

My pod sits similar to yours so I couldn't make the lid either but I just gave up and didn't make any of it haha

I will be making a CAI like yours when I get my front bar back on the car but won't be cutting into the chassis, will just jus that opening under the head light and shove a flexi style hose through there – hopefully it makes some difference!

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Whats the point in only making a partition when the police will still defect you, may as well put in a bit more effort and make an enclosed lid for it.

Steve it doesn't appear you have attached your partition to anything, im guessing it's just held in place gently by the intake pipes?

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I'm pretty sure even if its enclosed its still not legal as you can only have one induction mods in Victoria

Intercooler with no chassis modifications or paper air filter/pod, secured & non oil based

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With or without enclosed lid it is still defectable anyway as I've also got an FMIC - My stock airbox is sitting under my bed if i ever do get defected but I'm not fussed. My pod sits too high and making a lid would look ugly as there would be a big bulge in it.

Ben: I made sure my heat shield was cut out to specific dimensions by making a cardboard template so it sits in as tight as possible. I was gong to drill a hole and feed through an existing screw just behind one of the bends next to the strut tower but there was no need as it's real tight and doesn't move anywhere without one.

For those not wanting to cut a hole for an CAI for legality issues by all means don't do it - There's a couple of other ways you could probably squeeze some piping in but would probably mean a less efficient passage for air to flow through and a smaller diameter pipe. I've already cut through a plate for my FMIC so i couldn't care less about cutting another hole through a thin plate for the CAI anyway - I believe there are holes there on the R32 GT-R for the intercooler piping so i doub't it will affect the structural integrity of the R32 at all.

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