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Diablo 3


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If i install it and still want to play on Battle.net am i able to?

Is it just a different exacutable?

So eg "eastersun.exe" and "diablo2.exe"?

yeh man its creates a different folder. if u want to play on battle.net just run diablo2 with out the mod. if you are unsure just back up the folder :D

too bad blizzard will stall the release of D3... if they release the lich king, starcraft 3 and D3 at the same time they will lose sales IMO. i dont think we'll see D3 til mid/late next year :whistling:

Edited by joeleo87
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yeh man its creates a different folder. if u want to play on battle.net just run diablo2 with out the mod. if you are unsure just back up the folder :D

too bad blizzard will stall the release of D3... if they release the lich king, starcraft 3 and D3 at the same time they will lose sales IMO. i dont think we'll see D3 til mid/late next year :D


Grabbed it last night but didnt install

Will do that tonight.

Thanks for the info.

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D3 looks awesome. I was a D2 addict so ill take a guess and say ill be a D3 addict. I like the click click click action... more to do instead of wow where 1 click n then some keyboard moves. Im guessing D3 wont be out for 2 years. SC2 will come out next year and then D3 the year after.

I dont think you will need a great machine to run D3 because Blizzard are known to bring out games for the majority of computer players, not the minority with awesome machines.

Either way i cant wait.

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  • 3 weeks later...

im a big d2 fan. gave up about 6 months ago.

i had a 99 assy which was a trapa

99 paly who was a pvp zealer

99 pally hammer

and a 99 sorc lighting/cold

and 2 muelers which were full of hrs/ soj. i was really adicted lol

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  • 6 months later...
  • 3 months later...

hanging out so bad for this one and also hangin for starcraft 2... more or less had my computer built to support these two games... hahahaha

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So when's this ment to be coming out?

it was quoted for D3 to be Fall 2009. which is about November? in Aus :(

i still play D2 at times... WoW is okay.. i'm thinking the longevity of WoW... coupled with the amazing "hack and slash" of diablo will make me take leave from work for a month of heavy gaming on D3. :cool:

i am rather excited for "stargate worlds" MMORPG. i was always a big stargate fan :happy:

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  • 8 months later...

I must say, I never played any of the Diablo Games.

I really don't know why. I love RPG's, but I was stuck playing something else, or my PC at the time was to f**king lame...

Maybe I should get in and have a bash of the old ones before D3 comes out. Looks awesome

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  • 1 month later...

d3 is expected to come out in 2011, blizzard is brining out starcraft 2 soon so obviously blizzard arnt going to release the 2 best games they have at the same time...so dont expect d3 for a while :yes: just got bak into d2 with the brothers on lan lol love that game cant wait for d3, might just get star craft 2 for the time being, also looks good.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
D3 will be insane, pity blizzard keeps delaying it, and i swear starcraft 2 has been delayed for like 3 years now LOL

sc2 is in beta and will be out on july 27th but i agree, blizzard are the kings of game delays

i cant wait for d3.. ive played d2 so much ive bought the battlechest like 3 times and countless cdkeys haha

shattered i lost all my recent ladder characters a couple months ago when they did a ban wave, among other characters i had a fully decked out pvp light sorc with 40+ lifers they were so expensive :ermm:

still got a few thousand fg saved for when d3 comes out (forum currency on the largest d2 trading forum) lol

Edited by delljit
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