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Some1 Keyed My Car!


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Guest trikdoutvl

i caint believe ud leave a car like that parked in balga........ balga+nice car= trouble... sorry to hear saw this car in the flesh the other day n its f*kin nice

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i know how you feel snip3r.....i got my rear quater panel keyed :whistling: and its pretty deep ! but yeah i guess nice cars and not soo good suburbs don't go too well i hope u get them back just hope they come for round 2 and u can get them !!! !

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hey i parked my beamer outside my apartments in east perth one night

next morning... massive boot mark where someone had kicked the door in.

doesnt matter what suburb you live in... the world is full of f**kheads.

I'm really sorry to see that happen to ur car :whistling:

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I can't believe this. You just had it resprayed too :D I have an idea how you feel. My R33 got keyed all the way down the passenger side. Makes you want to rip someones head off :whistling:

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Damn kels, sorry to hear eh... if it makes you feel any better i just may be cruising this weekend, maybe we can cruise together, havnt done that for ages, wait... EVER!! you should see my car, looks so dodgy now...lol

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sorry to hear that mate ... my car got keyed from back to front just after i bought it ... and the next day ... got keyed at the boot ...

sigh ... i dont understand whats wrong with this ppl .. hard earned money just goes down the drain .. take it easy man, it took me

almost a month to get over it ... :whistling:

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I agree with dan the man actually, it can happen anywhere. 1 of my housemates and our next door neighbour had there fuel chyphoned outta there tank 2 nights ago and i live in Ellenbrook, Kel's SN1P3R and my GTR were parked out the front too and our cars weren't touched thank god

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Dodgey part of Ellenbrook or good part of Ellenbrook? :D

Lots of little thugs out there, esp hanging around where IGA is washing car windows.

Things like this you've just got to accept and move on, as hard as it sounds. I had my ENTIRE car (Pulsar) keyed up last year (parked outside), and I didn't get angry one single bit. Sure it cost me a bit to get it all fixed ($600 excess), but the main point was the car was still drivable.

From what it seems you don't have a garage, but the thing is when you have a car that attracts attention, you have to garage them period. If I didn't have a garage, I wouldn't have even bothered buying my R as there would have been an increase chance in vandalism or theft if parked outside. Plus the insurance would have been much more as well.

Something like this will keep happening again to you if your car is kept out in the open, and maybe next time it won't be just key marks (someone could set it alight, steal it...). Sure it's no excuse for people to touch your car, but thats the sad reality of life.

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Yeah ino, ive no since realalised, oh its not crappy white with broken parts on it anymore. Its actualy somthing that other stingy people want.. wich is sad, coz ive had this car out side on the verg for the whole year and 2 months ive been going out with my Boyfriend, AND NOTHING HAS HAPPEND... Shits me to tears... i wouldnt have been so mad if it was still white, but coz the paint is so custom, is going to be such a mission to repair... Well people, im off to go find a panel and paint place today to see if some one will fix it, Wish me luck guys! Thanks for all the suport! Love to all of you guys! Make's me feel special that other people give a damn, Im so happy to be in such a suportive car club! Thank you all again, Wish me luck!!!!

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Hope it doesn't cost you too much to get sorted, good luck! such a pain having to fix this kind of stuff hey. just had mine resprayed because it was keyed as well.. was so scared it was going to get keyed as soon as I brought it home!

Edited by brynj
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fark that sucks.. i saws you just before, the car looks lovely!! i was in the purple s13 at the auto electrecians where you were having your car assessed by the panel beaters.... hope it all goes well!! and doesnt cost too much...

sory to hear...

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sons of bitches they didn't just leave it at one panel either.

I know how you feel close to it anyway

I had mine rocked thats right they used a big rock to scratch the side of my quarter back panel and they left it on top of my car, just after i got it back with a new kit, it cost 550 to respray and i am just about to get it back for the second time. I am considering getting some sought of security camera in the car when i leave it exposed. Lucky for me i have a garage but when i go to someone else house that when i get trouble.

Sorry to hear this, if they have finger prints considering its from balga you may yet have some luck unlike me

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That sucks.

My friends Commodore Stationwagon got stolen from a beach car park after he went for a surf last Sunday. They found it the day after..... was set on fire.

Even though it's a Commodore, it's still someones pride and joy. :rofl: All the best with urs. :D

Edited by Magic
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am i right in thinking that its not really the keying that is terrible..

its more the timing of the keying on the new paint?

do you think that whoever did it knew that you had just had your car done up? and that they purposefully did the keying after it was resprayed etc?

or do you think it was just pure coincidence?

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Well guess what people, $1100 to fix, they have to paint the whole right hand side again, and you no what they said after that, " Oh it wont match the other side either " Im like WTF, Your charging me $1100 to do half of my car, and its not even going to match the rest of my car! WTF i went to 5 different painters, lowest quote i got was $900 and the earliest they can fit me in is late september :D Its been a very very sad day... Lucy i hope it wasnt intentional, concidering i love every1 and i cant see why they would do this to me.

Yeah i seen your car, nice purple, the painter thawt it was mine LOL, Love the tacho's. That painter quoted me the most, and told me my car wouldnt ever match up..

Ive been so sad today... i still cant belive this has happend, and so close to Autosalon.

Sorry to here about all your's cars getting Key'd or rocked! i think its low that other people smash up other peoples car's... Jelousy i recon, Yet they dont realise, we spend $$$$$$$$ on our car's, and somtimes even that much we put ourselv;s in debt, just so some loozer can destroy it all again! :)

I need a hugg... ;)

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i dont get why it wont match? its brand new paint.. fair enough if new paint doesnt match 20 year old paint.. but wth?

Coz aparently the flake and pearl wont match up right and will look funny, i got no idea, i even have like 1ltr of the same paint used to paint my car, and they said it wont match, wtf... ITS THE SAME FREAKIN PAINT... I think there just trying to make my week even worse, its all a big consperiacy!!!! ( How ever you spell it ) :D

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Guest trikdoutvl

oi, i had a paint shop try n pull that shit on me 2, the whole O it wont be the same colour on my metelic red vlt n i said paint it anyway n they did and guess wat... they matched up the colours perfectly, there trying to con a respray outta u

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