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Anyone Interested In A Hills Cruise?


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i understand that you cant see black ice, thats why i said i haven't hit any.

im just saying no matter what time the cruise is on that ice isnt that much of an issue compared to rain.

3am or morning run ill be there either way.

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I've driven chain of ponds every day for the past 9 years and have never ever seen or felt black ice before and I leave for work at 5:45-6:00 in the morning. But i dont know, maybe I'm just lucky.

But I'm always keen for a hills cruise.

Let me know where and when and I'll be there!

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lol see how wide the tyres are on that black 4x4

its also funny seeing human nature in action we all know once your sliding you shouldnt hit the brakes but you find your self berrying your foot harder and harder trying to stop

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ya banging ya head against a ice wall sled they only want to hear what they want too hear

:laughing-smiley-014: ha,ha.....you're probably right deano.......they were only love taps compared to this one

Black Ice II

EDIT: Imagine being a passenger in the back seat of that bus.......sea sick anyone :blink:

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you sure about that?

Black Ice

Yeah my old man rolled the XF falcon off mount hotham once after hitting a patch of black ice. car kept going forward, we ran out of road and we all went over the edge (rolled 3 times heh). Yeah black ice isnt nice and even snow chains dont help u with that stuff. constant 4wd helps but even 4wd's have issues with it. nice if you have a frozen lake, but when you got a single lane, you run out of room really quickly


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was that the one in NSW Kahli where the young fella and his mate took the old man's r34 out.......SK told me about that on the phone last night.

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was that the one in NSW Kahli where the young fella and his mate took the old man's r34 out.......SK told me about that on the phone last night.

haha takin' daddys keys n takin' the car for a spin, the beach boys would be proud

"Cause she'll have fun fun fun till her daddy takes the T-bird awayyyy...."

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Its just scary about the story that happened to the r34 a few weeks back...

Sif say that then not tell us the story for those who haven't heard.

So whats the general consensus so far, sunrise cruisey cruise or proper hills run? I'm down for either as long as I'm not working.

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don't forget guys that at this time of year and at that time of the morning, most hills roads have a sheet of ice on them

+ 1

conditions are a big factor... but im still down for early morning

plus with the number of people interested dont recon there will be too much intense driving, keep it paced. :P

definatly down for this it sounds refreshing!

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