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What The R34 Gtr Should Have Looked Like ;)


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are you the same guy who started that thread a while back where you posted lots of really bad photo's you took?

and you just kept going and going and going?

was that you?

ohh and you really need to work on your soccer. Have you finished med yet??

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  • 2 weeks later...

Answer this question!

Why are you writing pointless posts online and acting like a flamer.... are you a hater??? laugh laugh..

I find somne of thes pictures quite interesting... dont you....

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yeah man soccer is awesome and yeah still at med!

should catch up sometime!


Yes should defenitely catch up some time.. it would have been years since last time we caught up... I should be playing for the hawks this season..... You would have to be in your final year by now wouldnt you??


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we dont find this interesting

im pretty sure fullboost.com will though

Sorry will have to find some incredibly interesting pictures of cars that you dont have such as R32's 33s and wait some of you might be able to afford a 34 so you may already have one, we will leave that one off the list... In all honesty i would have thought you would like to see some interesting pictures such as the ones shown ie pics of cars that you dont see every day. Ohh, wait i suppose you have them all sitting in your garages at home. And by the way i did not know that anyone is forcing you to stare and download every pic.

And if i were a mod.... For a start i would design this web site such that you can search for words that contain less that 4 letters such as GTR for example which would probably be the most common sought after search entry if it were mad available and i would also design the website such that you can see what files/pictures you have already attached before you pressed post such that double ups of images would be prevented.

And also if i was a mod i would get rid of the haters out there that dont have any thing else to do other than what i guess is become jealous and post negative hate inspired hateful comments about some body elses images and posts.

Also need to get a post icon that has a tongue sticking out in a naaa nanna nnanaaa fashion just to add to posts such as this to rub it in. hahhahahah hehehehehehhee laugh laugh

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+1 dude, hardcore spam, only, its not even advertising

Here is some advertising for you...

You are what the guy is gripping.... and no it is not a part of the lovely lady..... Think subliminal jokes... Can you see it....


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Don't mind them mate.. I like the pics!! some of them are really cool...

and at least they can't complain about it being in the wrong section, lol..

don't give the mods/designers too much of a hard time, it is a free site which requires a lot of time and effort to keep running.

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