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Nissan Extroid Cvt - Strip Down And Repair!


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I've recently pulled the CVT out of my 2000 Nissan Y34 Cedric as it had some serious amounts of small gold coloured and metal particles in the sump not to mention shockingly dirty fluid.

According to the blokes at CVT.co.nz you need to be a trained professional at rebuilding these boxes and they want $6-$11,000 for a rebuild/repair because they are one of the only english speaking extroid CVT experts in the world. Obviously I can buy a wrecked CVT equipped Gloria/Cedric in Japan and ship it over for a lot less then that, so i decided to rip the box apart and find out exactly what fails and have the parts replaced/replicated if the expensive is considered reasonable.

The box in question is the RE0R04A 6 speed CVT which will be very similar to the 8 speed found in the GT8.

I started the strip down last night and all i can say is its a nightmare. The amount of different sized bolts and clips/gears are scary. I've done the best i can at logging where all the bolts go and document everything with pictures so hopegully she'll go back together fairly easy.

Since I have only worked on it for about 2 hours (including an hour to take the box out) here are some pics for you to have a gander at.

I will provide more pictures/information as it comes to hand.











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cool. it will be interesting to see how you get on. no doubt a lot of your work will apply to the GT8 trans as well. since neither is really an 8 speed or 6 speed both are just a CVT with different 'shift' programming you can utilise giving a number of set ratio points.

I honestly have no idea what wears in them but it should look like this inside as I understand nissan use the type of CVT with a belt drive with 2 variable size pullleys. which is probably the most common type. there are a few potential spots though I can think of off the top of my head.


and here's a good little gif for those who have no idea how they work.


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