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Your Goriest Injury


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i think my stories are more funny than gory...meh, i dont care they still hurt

...like this other time, i put a hard boiled egg in the microwave(yes it was already boiled) but it went cold so i wanted it warm...so i nuked it, took it out, and bit it. as i did that, it blew up in my mouth. so i had a burnt tounge, roof of mouth, and lips. and no, i didnt tell anyone. but they wondered how i got blisters on my lips

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my dog bit my ear.. didnt realise blood was dripping onto my shirt.. had a look in the mirror.. i could see the bathroom wall behind me through the hole in my ear..

it didnt hurt that much tho..

so basically...

my dog bit a hole through my ear

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My gorriest injury happened when I was about 8.....sure Ive had worse injuries, but this was the most bloody and therefore the most scary

I tried to throw a rusted out, jagged window panel...This is as it flew out of my hand, it caught onto my hand and nearly ripped off my ring finger, when I saw it spitting out blood everywhere I naturally started screaming, then the parents came, took me to the hospital, the nurse bandaged it up, and then after an hour the surgeon came in to do the stitches....problem was that the cut was soooo messy that she couldnt do it, so they had to call in another more experienced surgeon to do it

To this day I still have the scars on my right hand from the accident....

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When I was really young I went on a family holiday down the south coast (NSW). I remember running towards to ocean yelling something like "Look daddy, the sea.. the sea!"... too bad I was on top of a 10m cliff.

I probably still hold the record for the fastest time down that cliff. I came out of it with no front teeth and lots of cuts/bruises.

Good thing dad's a dentist! :D

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Originally posted by x2shy

I don't know why but I tried to cut my frends ear with nail clippers. Took a huge chunk of flesh off.  

To this day I have no idea why I did it.

is it like when you look at a blender and you want to put your finger in it? im like that:uh-huh:

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Was riding me bike a drz400 and got t-boned by a sheila in a pintara.severed my leg with only a small flap of skin holding it to the rest of me could see my tibia and fibia poking out snapped clean and my ankle smashed to bits.Doc wanted to cut my leg off but something changed his mind put a metal rod in as a shin bone down my tibia and 2 plates to put my ankle back together with 2 pins and 9 screws.spent 1 month in hospital and 6 months lying on bed at home before i could even attempt to put wait on it had to pyshio with geriatrics in a swimming pool and heaps of other crap.this happened 2 years 4 months ago and i still cant run, ride or kick the footy.One good thing i got an arse massage everynight night from the nurses.

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2 things...

Nearly cut my left index finger off when I was 7... lifting the lid on the cat food can :D

When I was 15, a mate and I were turning a BMX into a 'motor-bike' by adding a lawn mower engine to it. I was the test pilot for the first run and we checked everything 4 times, but somehow forgot to tighten the handle-bars ;)

I hit a gravel patch and lost the front end... the bars went forward, the throttle stuck open and I got dragged 15-20m grating skin on gravel and cyclone-fencing... DOWN TO THE BONE :(

I pick myself off the ground and walked to the tap in the park, cleaned the wound, then walked a km back to mates house! his mum went and got some savlon and bandages and patched my up... no doctors required !

can anyone say GIFTED ??? :)

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i work with glass, something bad has to happen one day

my dad was cutting aluminium and got distracted, his hand got in the way of the circular saw and chop chop, but not off, just damn deep

another time my dad crushed his thumb nail said it was the most agonising thing he has felt

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When i was 13, I jumped over a couch to get to the other side, unfortunately, my mum put a broken vase their the night before, sliced about 10cm up my leg near my right foot, to the bone, damn i was screaming, required alot of stitches inside and out probably about 150 in total, still to this day, the section that was cut is numb and the top of my foot is numb, oh well


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my most pain full thing was a woodern shelf falling on two of my finger nails - would have to be right up there

wait i also this snapping 3 bones in my foot clean in half counts as well

this wasn't gory just not to good.

i was at my mates place when i was a little tucker like 12 or so anyway he had this wall and then a 1.5m drop onto the grass anyway we were running round n just messing about when i kinda triped off the wall and onto my toes - snaped 3 of the bones in half. i thought it was one of those injuries that goes away after like 5min then i saw 3 big lumps and way i refused to say it was broken untill i tried to walk on it. feel right back done. anyway i ended up hopping about 30m and up a set of stairs on one leg

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Ok my injury abt 8 years ago...playing soccer...got tackled nasty and fell awkwardly on my left hand..... from elbow to tip of hand the was a 90 degree break to make things worse on top of the break my bloodie hand rotated 180degress looked bloodie weird if u ask me of top of a 90 degree break..... all is well live nowadays wif two metal implates in my hand for life.....=)

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