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karma hmm it sucks but i hope it teaches him a lesson to keep his distance when driving and his eyes on the road

ill be back cruzzing when i get the 32 back thanks mel and to dani how stopped to see if we were ok

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Oh and Just Car advised him they will not be renewing his insurance and no other company will because of his no claim bonus.

It is karma and he deserves it, it will have to teach him a lesson because driving around in an uninsured car? I would hand in my licence hey, stuff that!

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Guys...I dont know why Im going to carry this on, because I'll probably get flamed by people soo stupid they dont know theyre being proven wrong, BUT here goes.

Doing a singler pegger skid to do a 180 degree turn slightly quicker, is NOT a drift.

The roads are barely wider than a typical car, and the end of the soo called "hairpins" arent much bigger than an average RWD turning circle.

By drift, I meant DRIFT, continuously holding the vehicle sideways, keeping it under control and not necessarily in a corner....not just flogging the stock LSD in ever slight bend.

Cool? can we agree that no matter how cool you think you are, you haven't drifted the Zig Zag ? :)

Too bad if you don't, I know I'm right :)

PS: Pics or ban!!

(applies to the cruise itself, and said drifting on Zig Zag (vids would be better))

I never said that i drifted the zig zags :blush: I would never try it myself.

I did say i was in the car when it drifted tho.

The drift was done by my partner several years ago in his blue drift s13.

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YAY i made it back on here before midnight. Busy busy busy. ;)

Here is a link to the pics of the event. Im sorry i didnt uploaded them here for all to view easily. Im a bit of a busy man and run out of time. There's some good clear pics and some dark ones but most will be able to make out who they are in the pics.

Enjoy all... :D

>Crossroad Cruise Pics - Click Here<

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awesome Brett! Your camera has the same quality as mine lol

I'm doing a cruise late Jan and Whitfords is one of the stops, heaps of lighting in the undercover car park so should make for some awesome pics :laugh:

I've got 7 pix on my camera lol, I'll upload them tonight

Edited by MeLSki
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awesome Brett! Your camera has the same quality as mine lol

LOL yer crappy cannon $120 buck special. Might need to update i think.

I will be in for the next one you organize. Please let me know if you need a hand.

You should start a new cruise topic shortly so you get the numbers once again. Prior notice is a biggy for most people. :laugh:

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Yeah I'll start the thread late Dec I'm thinking, dont' want to p*ss off Mike and Dan too much with idle chat on the cruise thread (like I'm doing now- Sorry guys!!), I'll put it up on WCC earlier though :laugh:

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awesome Brett! Your camera has the same quality as mine lol

I'm doing a cruise late Jan and Whitfords is one of the stops, heaps of lighting in the undercover car park so should make for some awesome pics :P

I've got 7 pix on my camera lol, I'll upload them tonight

Yeh why was the Midland meet point not in the undercover bit on the two story parking next to where we were? Not only would the cars have sounded mint under there, it would have been an awesome place for photo's. That's where i thought we were meeting

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Yeh why was the Midland meet point not in the undercover bit on the two story parking next to where we were? Not only would the cars have sounded mint under there, it would have been an awesome place for photo's. That's where i thought we were meeting

too l8 now lol write it on map next time :P

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But you went so slowly!

Sorry, I was going to apologize earlier, I was looking to overtake and check out Jason's Beamer, since I've not seen it up close, and I live in the hills = know those roads much better than the backs of my hands, since I barely look at them.

Also... Pretty sure I was miles behind you anyway!?!

Anyway, LOTS of people has squealing brakes. Maybe a group buy on break pads is in order?

f**k man, i had my eleven year old brother in the car, if i was by myself i might have gone faster, ive been through the hills many times as i also live there, ive also seen what happens when you overestimate your abilites as ive also been in a crash up there.

I was leaving a gap between me and the car in front for a reason, maybe something you should learn to do. Your on your green p's like me, regardless of whether you live in the hills or not you shouldnt be taking that risk, especially when its a cruise because you would be putting other people at risk if you f**ked up and seeing what happened with that r32, its not fair if someone else has to pay the price for your actions.

Keen for higher speeds? then go through in your own time or organise a cruise with people that want to do a high speed hills run, it was a cruise, not a race.

If you wanna go through at those speeds then fine but i sure as hell wasnt gonna do it in a stock suspension auto r33 with my little brother in the car.

Cruises should be about people driving sensibly and to their ability, i shouldnt have felt pressured to drive faster then 80kmh through a dangerous stretch of roads because some idiot was tailgating me because he wanted to check out another car, which are what meet points are for anyway.


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f**k man, i had my eleven year old brother in the car

Ahhhh, youre that chick, we were talking to you at the Dog Swamp meet point :P Nice to meet you, i like your car, naturally aspirated glory! haha. I was the guy with the white NA 34, as you can see in my signature :P

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Yes NA's ftw. It's like a joke only certain people understand :P

Sorry, i cant remember which one you were though, everyone seemed to just gather around, but it was great to meet some new people!

And that drunk guy asked me for my email address... wtf, are we back in 1997?

But i remember your car, very nice :P ive seen a few dogsballs r34's out there, i worked with a guy that drove one, i can gladly say that yours was not one of them hahaha :D good work :D

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