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70-80 isnt so bad, just whore out bgs, thats atleast 1-2 levels per night if your trying

over the weekend i mean, more xp

i have an 80 rogue and 80 mage ready to go, sorta leveling my druid in resto, but also sorta just want to wait for the new characters so i can make a shammy

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My 80 shaman and druid are good to go. My warlocks is only 62, but since I don't play wow as a job, getting to 60 in 2weeks isn't too bad.

Now to play him a few nights a week and I should be 80 or close to 80 by the time Cata comes out.

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My 80 shaman and druid are good to go. My warlocks is only 62, but since I don't play wow as a job, getting to 60 in 2weeks isn't too bad.

Now to play him a few nights a week and I should be 80 or close to 80 by the time Cata comes out.

Time for someone to unleash who they really are.

First off i must explain. Despite having a stupd amount of toons, 8 of them where cheap, 3 where duel box's on a RAF accounts (1 BG gave me just under 1/3 of a level at level 25, and all the way up to about 50 i was getting 6-7 BG's to a full level on rested XP for 2 toons)

Then 1 was award leveled from the RAF from 1-60, so that took a total of no more than 9 minutes to go from 1-60.

account #1

(all on barthilas horde)

Cq - 80 paly

Healzymcheals - 80 preist

Ian - 80 lock

commandq - 73 hunter

alteffour - 72 druid

ianbank - 72 warrior

qqx - 63 mage

shamwaaw - 63 shaman

Dark Iron Horde

Headstab - 71 rogue

account #2 (not played anymore)

qqz - 60 mage

shamwee - 60 shaman

i have a 60 druid on this acconut too, IDK the name of it. its been a while since i have played the account

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I don't understand what you just said about "Then 1 was award leveled from the RAF from 1-60, so that took a total of no more than 9 minutes to go from 1-60".


I have an 80 Shammy & Druid, 75 Warrior, 62 Warlock, 60 DK, 40 Mage, 16 Hunter and 8 Rogue.

LOL but i have been playing for 3years

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LOL headstab, awesome name

i used to have a mage called 'Dildostaff'

blizzard made me change my name :(

so i changed it to 'sorserious' :)

im hanging out for cata so i can make a shammy! i dont want to start one untill i get to use a new character! im going goblin fo sho. i hope the name 'shamwow' is available... such an awesome name for a shammy

and syfon, when are you going to transfer ur characters to my server? :thumbsup:

ive been playin wow since before bc came out, so how many years is that? i think its about 3.5 years ive been playing, and i still suck

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What server are you on Clutch? I might transfer my shaman to your server! Are you a part of a decent raiding guild as pvp bores me shitless. It's all about pve and the storyline for me!!

80 Shaman - Nismo

80 Druid - Rectum

75 Warrior - Vlaka (Greek for stupid)

62 Warlock - Devil

40 Mage - Monaro

16 Hunter - Animal

8 Rogue - Bendover

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I might transfer over, I'll see what happens.

I haven't played since sunday night, or started up wow at all. I'm leaving work soon so when I get home I'll start wow and let it update.

Have an RDO from work tomorrow so will play :(

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I don't understand what you just said about "Then 1 was award leveled from the RAF from 1-60, so that took a total of no more than 9 minutes to go from 1-60".


I have an 80 Shammy & Druid, 75 Warrior, 62 Warlock, 60 DK, 40 Mage, 16 Hunter and 8 Rogue.

LOL but i have been playing for 3years

re recruit a friend system allows you to Grant a level to a player for every 2 levels the RAF newbie gained 2.

So i leveled 2 toons to 60, it gave me 60 levels to "Grant" to the original account

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