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Stolen Skylines

Mr. Untouchable

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hi people,

Just been in and out of a few insurance places in the past few days, and noticing a few skylines now, broken windows, covered in police crap and finger print dust

I wont say which insurance company, nor the owners names but I'll say it has been a few GTSt's And a 33 GTR. not burnt, but been thrashed and body damage, looks like they have hit banks etc and bottomed out on stuff.

know of a few others also including a 300 zx TT. just be carful, dont think she'll be right. Do what you can, if you must park on the side of the road, make sure you have a alarm etc kill switch, look at a detachable boss kit setup and take ur wheel with you

I know this a public forum and scum of the earth vermin puss dogs can read this, and if you are, very soon a tempting joy ride just may be a bait car, and someone just may be hiding out waiting to give you a high speed lead injection, on the house!

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Man that sucks! I hate that peoples pride and joy's are being targeted.

Tassie aint that big...

And the cops don't care, nore will they do anything about it. Why not bait car the snot suckers? I'm shure they could use a confiscated skyline for a bait car to catch a good amount of them

So what are we to do? 'I'll bring the lynchin rope if someone has a pickup'.... f**kers!

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Shot is wwaaayyy to good.

I just saw the new jackass movie in 3D.... They pulled somone's tooth out with Bam's Lambo. I think we should adopt a similar proceedure.

Either that or make them eat the curb and smackem on the back of the head!

dirtyass, dogcok sucing, ball sniffing, tootheless, bogan ass bandits!!!

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I had my skyline stolen a while ago. And my dads nevara not long before. Fortunatly the ute was found fine, and my 31 was a little worse for wear when they took it so they didn't damage anything i wasn't replacing any way. However it was a prick to clean all the forensic dust off and i think that alone should be a good enough excuse to bound their feet, tie them to the toe bar and then have some drift practice on some nice rough bitumen roads.

Good for nothing bogan scum. I recon if i was given a baseball bat and a licence to do with it as i please that i could solve a lot of the worlds problems.

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yep there on the import's at the moment, in the last week we have sold the following

3x R33 1/4 glasse's

1x R32 rh door glass

4x door lock set's

5 or 6 Subaru door glasse's

5 or 6 Subaru ignition barrel's

and 1 WRX gearbox and diff..

scum bag dog phuck's..

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scum bags tried to steal my old sileighty twice when i had it. chased them down the road with a baseball bat, ended up concreting hooks in the ground & chained the car to the ground

That's an awsome idea!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Keep your eyes and ears open fellas , some low life piece of scum attempted to steal my 33 last night :P

Apparently few vehicles stolen or broken into from what the police officer was saying (Kingston area)

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Keep your eyes and ears open fellas , some low life piece of scum attempted to steal my 33 last night ;)

Apparently few vehicles stolen or broken into from what the police officer was saying (Kingston area)

Shit. Not cool. Where? (roughly, dont give your address out lol) How far they get?

If you find out who this/these f**kwits are then pm me, Kingston isn't that big and I'd like to keep an eye out for scum bag c*nts

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Shit. Not cool. Where? (roughly, dont give your address out lol) How far they get?

If you find out who this/these f**kwits are then pm me, Kingston isn't that big and I'd like to keep an eye out for scum bag c*nts

Around the Macca's area dude . I'll pm you the other details

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Heres the advice the insurance dude at shannons gave me:

- Get a thick tint on your windows, it doesn't have to be dark just a thick plastic. It makes the glass far harder to break.

- Get a set of aftermarket locks like Solex, but don't buy the ones for fifty bucks off the shelf get a good set.

- Invest in multi-point immobilisation, fuel, ignition, electrical and so on. Most car thieves can get around this but it will slow them down.

- Get a removable steering wheel, it doesn't have to be a quick release it just needs to have easily accessible bolts. Carry a ratchet screwdriver in the glove box and ALWAYS remove the wheel

- If you have nice rims get two different sets of lock nuts, its a pain on your end but it prevents people from easily forcing the lock nuts off as they would need two sockets of the perfect size as opposed to one to interference fit them off

Its all common sense, it can all be done for under a couple of hundred dollars and it will protect your car. Make sure your insured with at least fire and theft because if they can't steal it, it gets burnt.

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It's so sad to see so many great/enthusiasts' cars being targeted - commiserations.

Those bums need to get a life after a good swift kick up the...!

same goes for the ones pulling insurance scams on their skylines.. :D

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We have had our car broken into twice in the Tranmere/Howrah area twice over the last few months. Luckily wasn't stolen but messed a few things up, locks, ignition barrel, even had set the driver air bag off :D

It now has 3 point immobilisation, 3 x 120db sirens (under bonnet, under dash driver sider, under centre console), also fitted solex locks. It hasn't been touched since touch wood. My other non-airbag cars I always have the quick release boss kits and take the steering wheel with me...

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  • 1 month later...

Hey guys the 31 got broken into again a few days ago I didn't notice at first just thought my ignition barrel was playing up a bit, key was real stiff and gritty in the barrel and even after driving for a while I didn't click. I had a balance and wheel alignment and just thought the steering wheel was not centred but when I finally saw that my centre piece of the steering wheel wasn't clipped in properly I noticed the left hand side of the wheel was bent back a bit towards the dash not a huge amount but enough so the centre won't clip back on that side. It was then I worked it out and actually found that my left hand door lock had been totally f**ked. I'm guessing they got in and tried bending the steering wheel to try and get the oldschool club lock off and when that failed just left it. Just a reminder to keep an eye out and don't get lazy. Sometimes I just can't be bothered putting the steering lock on but it's saved me twice now so don't get complacent. That was at firthside in Kingston and I did consider that a remotely safe place but I'm giving that a rethink now. I guess its just better to not to take anywhere for granted cause it's not the area it's the f**kwits that wander on through.

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