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Gt-t Permits For P-platers?


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I'm looking to buy a 98 GT-T and currently on my red P's. Was wondering if anyone has a GT-T or a turbocharged Skyline in general, how you got the permit, conditions and any issues with the Police?

If anyone is curious, I don't know a lot about Skylines, let alone cars itself so if anyone can give pointers, greatly appreciated :P

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Here is the only pointer you need... Buy a non-turbo car untill your of your P's.. There is no way around it, well not in QLD and i am sure not any state. And yes you will have problems with the police they are not stupid you know...

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  • 2 weeks later...

You will have problems from start to finish when you sell the car because of the hassles it will cause. The police and insurance are going to be major headaches, so just get a non turbo or just a cheap daily as save till your off your p's

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dont bother looking for a permit unless u manage to get a job that requires driving, e.g mechanic apprentice or in a car dealership.

also if u speed and get caught once, u lose the permit.

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From what I hear, the police don't seem to care much. People on red Ps in Victoria get defected for hole in the battery tray and don't get done for turbo on Ps. Like hello? Officer? Anyway, get an Integra Type R for your Ps, it'll hold its value decently and you'll never have another excuse to buy a FWD sports car again.

Most P-platers seem to forget that ANY modifications that affect performance are illegal and carry the same penalty as driving a turbo but most don't get hassled. I'm sure if you had a completely stock car, with stock wheels and lights and seats etc. and without a memorable custom numberplate you'd get away with it.

I've always been curious as to whether you could get away with a GTST as an old one would be under their 100kw/tone thing; certainly at the wheels which is how you'd provide evidence etc. Doesn't affect me anymore anyway...

Edited by Nissinja
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  • 1 month later...

i could tell you how to get a permit to drive whatever car you like, but i should point out it may take some time to process. oddly enough the time it takes is the EXACT same amount of time between now and when you get your open licence......

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