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2011 Shell/ferrari F1 Experience…

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I've added a news item to the front page of the Ferrari/Shell F1 Tour I did last week.

All complete with pics, write-up, random facts and a summary of the F1 Simulator...

Check it out and gimme feedback :)


Cheers all


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V jealous mate, great write up.

In this sentence, you seemed to forget to finish it - -" Fuel temps over the course of the race. Temps can get up to those of a freshly made cuppa, so the temperature differential."

What were you saying about temp differentials? :D

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Ah there was a forum setting issue. You could "download" them, but they wouldnt show as thumbnails

I've fixed this up, much easier to see it all now guys.

Joys of being Admin, sometimes you don't notice little things like that until you test it :)

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That was a good read Ash. Grats on getting so close to the Shell people and their secret squirrel techniques. Some of the photos looked pretty good to considering they were taken on either a point n shoot or your phone.

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Most of the photo's are supplied, not allowed to take any happy snaps when I'm out the back of the pits etc. Fair enough too.

All the ones around the simulator though were just off my $400 point'n'shoot and came out really well surprisingly.

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