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66Kg Monster!


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12-15% bodyfat isn't lean, it's average, and if the only way he maintains his weight is by smashing food then I can easily see him losing weight fast by reducing calories and adding cardio.

Liquid calories are the easiest way to consume a lot of calories, for a hard gainer this is a handy tool to have in your toolbox...

Exactly right!! I know im not the leanest, but right now thats not my goal. If i want to step out on stage, i know that in a 12 week period i can be in the mid to low 80s and be as ripped as hell.

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TM7GTR, When I say walking, its a very fast paced walk, almost on the verge of a power walk, not just a stroll.

And at 102.5 at say 15% body fat (15kgs fat total weight) i lost 5 to 6 kilos in two weeks. Yes there is also marginal muscle loss which goes with all weight loss. Dont forget i am also training my ass off for 5 days a week for an average of 2 hours a day. So i am also sweating my ass off at the gym.

I also have a stupidly fast metabolism and it is extremely hard for me to gain extra mass no matter how hard i train or what i eat, but very easy to lose it. And unless you are in the same boat (not a five foot nothing midget who makes it look easy to put on size), then you wouldnt have a clue. I put it up here to help a fellow gym goer who is in need of some guidance. Not to just hear from nay sayers.

And no im not less than 10% body fat now because i have since put weight back on after 1 and a half years of training to gain that 5 kilos back.

Yes it is expensive, but its not rediculous. If you want to be your best, you have to pay the price and do what ever you have to do to get the job done. Thats the difference between being determined to train to your full potential, or just being there and going through the motions pretending to want it.

I'm 183cm (6ft) with an ecto frame, so yes, I know how hard it is, but I wouldnt lose 5kg in two weeks by doing cardio.

As for being your best, I don't believe you have to pay the price so to say. Real food goes a long way in terms of what your body actually uses.

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I'm 183cm (6ft) with an ecto frame, so yes, I know how hard it is, but I wouldnt lose 5kg in two weeks by doing cardio.

As for being your best, I don't believe you have to pay the price so to say. Real food goes a long way in terms of what your body actually uses.

If you were already less than 10% body fat, then yes it would be hard to lose that much, but i was almost 103kg at around 15% and i dont do cardio at all due to the fact it would drop off that quick. I was 62kg at something like 6 - 8% and started to eat like crazy when i started training (including the shakes) and i put on 15kg of lean muscle in the first 6 months of training. That is what FIGJAM wants, to get some size on. To do that you need to eat.

And yes, real food does go along way, but if you are a hard gainer then you also need that little bit extra and thats where the shakes came in handy for me. Even if i wake up in the middle of the night to take a piss, i have a protein shake ready to go to just add water and mix, and then go back to bed. And i believe that this would help FIGJAM.

Paying the price, well you get what you pay for.

Cheap protein = shit ingredients = shit results.

Like i said, no eat, no grow. The more good ingredients you can stuff down your throat, the more you will grow.

It all depends on how bad you wana get big, and how much determination and dedication you have to do that.

I dont mean to sound like im arguing with you, im just sharing my personal experience from the past, which worked extremely well for me, to try and help someone else who sounds like they had the same problem as i did.

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Should put up some pics R32GOJIRA^

Id be more than happy to if i could, the only problem is i cant upload photos off my phone and i only have the net on my computer at work (yes i am still living in the stone ages with no net at home) and its regulated and wont let me upload stuff (damn government restrictions lol).

Im not that lean, nor do i look massive. I currently weigh between 98 and 99kgs, roughly 15% bf and am 6'4".

I just try to train like an animal. Bench 130kgs, squat 180kgs, deadlift 260kgs. Obviously my max weights, so only for a couple of reps. And eat as much as i can, whenever i can.

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Id be more than happy to if i could, the only problem is i cant upload photos off my phone and i only have the net on my computer at work (yes i am still living in the stone ages with no net at home) and its regulated and wont let me upload stuff (damn government restrictions lol).

Im not that lean, nor do i look massive. I currently weigh between 98 and 99kgs, roughly 15% bf and am 6'4".

I just try to train like an animal. Bench 130kgs, squat 180kgs, deadlift 260kgs. Obviously my max weights, so only for a couple of reps. And eat as much as i can, whenever i can.

PicGarage app...tis your friend.

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15kg of lean muscle mass is great. How much weight did you gain all up in those 6 months?

After the 6 months i weighed in at 79.2kgs. I remember because i sent a photo to my mate who was living in queensland at the time and i hadnt seen him for ages. He refused to believe i was natural and asked how much i weighed. This was nearly 9 years ago, but i still have the stretch marks on my shoulders and ass from the rapid growth.

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i think i need to squat more.... anyway first day back in the gym for about 5 weeks so weak, lost so much strength during that period its like I am starting from scratch again.

Squats are your friend. No matter how much you may hate them. They help release natural growth hormone and help build overall size and thickness.

Ive just dedicated this year to focusing on my legs. Hard to fill out when you are tall. Twice a week, Monday and Friday, every week for a whole year. If that doesnt make them grow, i dont know what will. Wait.......i do know, but its illegal lol.

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my point was how did you work out that you gained 15kg of lean muscle?

before and after dexa scans? or fat pinch calipers? those scales that send a electro pulse through the body and give a figure?

or by looking in the mirror

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I had my doctor give me a full physical and check up before i started training, and have gone every 6 months like clockwork to have the same done. Always like to keep track of what my body is doing and to make sure nothing is wrong.

Just like looking after your car. Gotta look after it and service it if you want it to run right.

BIRDS your right, I did also gain a little fat, and also retained a slightly higher amount of water due to the increase in body size.

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I want to get rid of my chicken legs this year. Never been able to get decent definition in my legs for whatever reason, this years goal is to get them bigger.

Also, something was off in my food last year, whatever i was eating gained lots of fat, I had a disgusting little gut on me, looked like a teenage girl who is from some shit hole who got up the duff. This year, I dont want that dumb gut. Not saying I want to gain weight and have a 6 pack, I just want to do it a bit cleaner is all. Chicken and steak for breakfest lunch and dinner or something.

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Ok well at the expensive of sounding like a massive dick, you can't claim to have gained 15kg of lean mass then lol.

You gained 15kg of mass.

Nonetheless that is still a solid result.

I gained 20kg in just over a year, but it wasn't all lean.

How old are you out of curiosity?

Sounds like you've been training for around 10 years now.

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