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C*ck in a White R31!

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Ok i'm not usually one to complain openly about other driving behaviour but this one got me pretty annoyed,

Driving along Haydon Dr in Belco and turning onto Beclonnen Way I am nearly rammed up the arse by some d!ck in a white R31 tailgating me from the lights...

Once i turned onto Belconnen Way I looked in my rear view and saw this R31 come booning up towards me then heard the screeching of his tyres due to him braking so damn hard when we got to the next set of lights which leads onto Caswell. N e way as i continue on thru the lights leading onto Caswell (road adjacent to black mountain) he proceeds to tailgate me for half the way then backs off a little as we approach the lights to William- Hovell. As the lights go green i turn off onto William- Hovell then merge onto the lane to head Southbound onto the Parkway and he keeps tailing me on the Parkway. I stay in the right lane as i'm overtaking cars - Goin just a tad below the limit while he's doin this. He then changes into the left lane and tries to overtake me, pulls along side my car, tries to overtake but gets blocked by another car. Once i've passed him, he cuts back into the overtaking lane and proceeds to tail again. At this point i've had enough and shift into third leaving an ever decreasing small white dot in my rear view. It briefly looked like he tried to catch up then gave it away.

Honestly dude, what was the point of all that shit? You drive a Skyline and you resort to antagonising other Skyline drivers???? I usually brush off this behaviour from other cars but recently I haven't had such annoyment. Anyone else had troubles from ppl in other Skylines? I find this pretty extroadinary that u have d1ckhead skyline drivers annoying the rest of us?

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I feel for ya..

It's a real disappointment hay :(

When I used to work out in Civic, I'd come home via the parkway. Just sitting on the limit etc..

One day I saw a nice silver R33 coming up behind me, I thought I'd give him a wave, got nothing back...

Then he proceeded to try and get me to drag him, letting his BOV off right next to me, speeding up, slowing down. This went on for about 2km (in 5.30pm traffic !!) with me just ignoring him and staying on 100km/h.

When he was letting his BOV go right next to me I was thinking 'yeah, every R33 has got a BOV, what's your point" LOL

I think he eventually got the message and just sped off, I later saw him at the first Kambah lights - got was 3 cars in front....

Saw the same car again a few months later, gave him a wave and got nothing back, except for a smile from his g/f :)


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so because this dude was in a 31 that makes me an arse cause i got a 31 that seems to be wat u are saying GTS_DUY i think that a bit wrong eventhough i would have a 34 v spec but i have limited funds so i got the 31 does that make me an arse???????

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I'm not making the assumption that all R31 drivers are dickheads. If your making that assumption however, then obviously something is on your mind? did i ever call anyone an arse?

you should lighten up, i make a comment about an R31, u drive an R31, doesn't mean i'm attacking you does it?

I've only ever seen one person in an R33 drive like a dick. But from all the Skyline drivers i've seen who drive like dickheads, they've been in R31's. why do i think this is so? because most of those guys i've seen were young, they drive liks hoons.

Just so you don't think i'm calling all R31 drivers arses, i have friends who drive them, and they drive perfectly well.


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Er dude I don't think that's what he meant. My impression of it was the only idiotic Skyline driver he sees is in a particular R31 - only the one idiotic driver, therefore "every" stupid Skyline driver he's seen has been driving an R31.

Take a pill man.

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I've only ever seen one person in an R33 drive like a dick. But from all the Skyline drivers i've seen who drive like dickheads, they've been in R31's. why do i think this is so? because most of those guys i've seen were young, they drive liks hoons.

Hate to disapoint you but around my area it's p-platers in R33 GTS-T's that are the morons. Don't want to stir anyone up but they are everywhere. Every dick that can't be bothered building a Coomodore to beat his mates just buys a Skyline. They aren't Skyline fans or enthusiasts and didn't know what one was before the release of Fast and Furious.

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I thought there were power resitrictions on P platers in vic, something like 125kW per tonne? i would have thought an R33 GTS-t would be over that. maybe i'mm missinformed, but you're right about P platers in skylines, there's one back in my home town of bathurst that's always getting in the shits with the coppers, so whenever i go home to see the folks, the coppers follow me like a hawk because we've got the same cars.

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yea as others have said you cant pick out specific cars that are idiots on the road... however i must admit their does seem to be a trend with specific cars which seem to attract di^*s to go and buy them and piss everyone else off... eg your honda's lol had to say it :rant:

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While not really relating to skylines, I had some chump tailgate me in a AU ford.

I'll just take this moment to make it clear how impressed I was by his family car and/or (ex-)fleet lease vehicle. Obviously the car of an important person, whom I should be pulling over to the shoulder to allow passage.

Anyway, he tailgated me for ages. I mean ages, like if it was me that was tailgating, I would have been bored by then.

So I suddenly remembered that scratch that I had on my back bumper. It annoyed me, but I really could not justify having it looked at. I'm funny like that.

So a quick pump of the brakes, and old mate blue ford has almost rammed the back of my car. It was close, but atlas not close enough for an all expenses paid visit to the body shop.

Mr Ford, being a man of action, almost 5 minutes after the said event decideds to show his wit and determination by operating his high beams in a manner that could be best described as jerky.

Nearly home, I notice Mr Ford has actually been following me! Oh how sporting!

Now his tailgating again!

Not wanting to really do the obvious and jump on the brakes again, I take a few left and rights and sort my plan out.

Note: the lad driving the ford was rather large, and the ford itself was rather cumbersome. Thus I will dub this the "Lumbersome Maneuver"

Heading upto a roundabout, ford is close up behind me... I indicate left really really early... Ford concurs... I enter the roundabout... turn left a little.. as ford turns left... I hook her right!

The ford being lumbersome, cannot change direction at the last minute and ends up going left.... while I go right... and circle the roundabout!

Who's following who now, Jack ass!

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When that kind of thing happens, I don't stand on the brakes, cos I don't like being hit up the arse (no smutty comments thanks :D), I just back off the throttle, and stay off it until they get the message.

I had some farkwit in an old Camry tailgating me last night in the rain, we were the only two cars on a four lane, two way road. Good move moron... wet road, low visibility, and also tailgating a car with brakes that are more than likely far better than yours. Did the ol' tap the brake pedal thing (just enough to get the brake lights working), he's still there. So I back off the throttle, I'm actually back to second gear before he gets the message. Blows by (well, in 4cyl Camry terms anyway) and I give him a beep on the way past. We stop at the lights side by side, he's going off his nut at me through his open passenger window, I wind down my window, wait for it to go aaaall the way to the bottom, glare at him and say "shut the f**k up you tailgating little cvnt before you get hurt"... and he did, hehe :bahaha: Friggen psycho little school kids :D

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Heh I own a white R31 you had me a bit worried there till I actually read the story :Oops: (Haven't headed out that way from Evatt for a few weeks). I agree there are a lot of dickheads around driving Skyline's but you can say thats true for every car. But I have to say its especially annoying coming from your type of car, I've seen a few booner R31's and it always makes me feel like we could be stereotyped like that.

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Amaru has a nasty Tailgating story :D

He doesn't learn either


While i've got insurance, i'd still prefer to avoid the whole incident and just slow down well within the posted limit on a single lane road, now THAT frustrates them :D

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