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Pissed Off!!

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Some retard has broken into my corolla to take my mp3 cd player...they skrewed up the surrounding plastic and took my spindle of 25 cds full of mp3s...whats worse...is that it was taken while i was at work!.. I am only working at Coles currently trying to earn enough dosh for my Skyline. I dont go work at coles so other people can steal my stereo!!! Because of this incident I am seriously reconsidering the idea of purchasing a Skyline, whats the use when some F*@KWIT is gonna steel it anyway....

Here I am bustin ma gutz for a whole $60 when some fag jumps in ma car and takes off with ma stereo in a good 5 mins thats worth more then four times what I earnt!....and it doesnt help either when I cant find a day job because the design market is flooded. Oh, btw, this incident happened only a few days after i got my car back from the smash repairers coz some idiot drove into my back in peak hr traffic...and a couple days after one of ma mates was hit by a postie...and a couple months after one of my friends cousins totalled her beema...oh dont worry she got a new 5 series beema...but theres a massive scratch on the rear bumper already!...i think i must be cursed or something!...AAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!..... this truely is going to be a rooted year for me...

*end rant*

So does anybody have any reason why i should still purchase a Skyline?...

ps. anybody wanna gimme a day job...

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So does anybody have any reason why i should still purchase a Skyline?...

If you need to ask us that maybe you shouldnt buy one. Dont let a couple of bad experiences discourage you.


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dont let that stuff get you down mate. just keep trying n working towards ya goals.

i work for kmart and i hate parking in the car park. i always park in the blocked off area near our compactor. i have so many pin dents and scratchs from **** heads with no respect at shopping centers

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It's prolly not feasible for you (given that you are working at coles) but if you can afford a cheap bunky as well, life is a lot less stressful when you have to park in dodgy places.

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Some retard has broken into my corolla to take my mp3 cd player...they skrewed up the surrounding plastic and took my spindle of 25 cds full of mp3s...whats worse...is that it was taken while i was at work!.. I am only working at Coles currently trying to earn enough dosh for my Skyline.  I dont go work at coles so other people can steal my stereo!!!  Because of this incident I am seriously reconsidering the idea of purchasing a Skyline, whats the use when some F*@KWIT is gonna steel it anyway....

Here I am bustin ma gutz for a whole $60 when some fag jumps in ma car and takes off with ma stereo in a good 5 mins thats worth more then four times what I earnt!....and it doesnt help either when I cant find a day job because the design market is flooded.  Oh, btw, this incident happened only a few days after i got my car back from the smash repairers coz some idiot drove into my back in peak hr traffic...and a couple days after one of ma mates was hit by a postie...and a couple months after one of my friends cousins totalled her beema...oh dont worry she got a new 5 series beema...but theres a massive scratch on the rear bumper already!...i think i must be cursed or something!...AAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!..... this truely is going to be a rooted year for me...

*end rant*

So does anybody have any reason why i should still purchase a Skyline?...

ps. anybody wanna gimme a day job...

Hrmm.. sorry to hear whats happened to you dude, but why are you asking other people to justify why you should purchase a skyline?

If you cannot afford a skyline then dont buy one, simple as that isnt it?

PS. I would hate to have the same thing happen to me, but personally would not post a threat on a forum asking people about justification for me to purchase a skyline. If I can afford I buy.. if I cant afford I dont buy simple.

Just me 2c worth. :rant:

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Hrmm.. sorry to hear whats happened  to you dude, but why are you asking other people to justify why you should purchase a skyline?

If you cannot afford a skyline then dont buy one, simple as that isnt it?

PS. I would hate to have the same thing happen to me, but personally would not post a threat on a forum asking people about justification for me to purchase a skyline.  If I can afford I buy.. if I cant afford I dont buy simple.

Just me 2c worth. :rant:

Yeah, Im just pissed off with all the shit thats been happening lately...I have been saving for this car for the past 3 years (no loans for me) and scared that as soon as i get it some wankas gonna take off with it while Im elsewhere...

Just a question, how effective are alarms and immobolisers actually, becuase Ive seen these things get bypassed so easily.

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Ok.. well for starters.. get full comp insurance and a good immoboliser alarm.. if you are scared ppl takin off with your car.

Any car can be stolen.. unless you have guards next to your car 24/7 :rant: Well.. the chance of it being stolen is very very low. :)

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Can't stop a towtruck :)

Yeah, my cousin was telling me how his friends 200sx got taken straight from his front yard. Greased up his wheels and the ground and moved it to the towy then drove off.. alarm, useless..immobiliser, useless...whats this world coming to?

We're going to have to start clamping our wheels when we go out(prob still useless).

So whens these new fandangle forcefields gonna be released to the public?

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Yeah, my cousin was telling me how his friends 200sx got taken straight from his front yard.  Greased up his wheels and the ground and moved it to the towy then drove off.. alarm, useless..immobiliser, useless...whats this world coming to?

We're going to have to start clamping our wheels when we go out(prob still useless).  

So whens these new fandangle forcefields gonna be released to the public?

haha... Probably when fusion energy becomes viable and safe enouf for consumer consumption...

As to clamping the wheels.. I have seen a car wif its wheels clamped at the last powercruise.. :)

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good reason = because

if you want one then get one - shit happens to everyone...i'm sure there are others allot worse of out there...

perhaps you would be happier with a VN commowhore?

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good reason = because

if you want one then get one - shit happens to everyone...i'm sure there are others allot worse of out there...

perhaps you would be happier with a VN commowhore?

No thanks gatty...how special would i feel with one of those!?... I used to have a vh...it was fun but was falling apart so i got rid of it. I have nothing against falcodores...id just much rather a Skyline.

But yes, theres alota people that are worse off..thanks for putting things in perspective.

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