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Tax Time! Post Cool Stuff You Bought

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Since it's that time where the Gillster gives us some of our money back!


I bought a PS VITA


It came wtith Uncharted, and I also bought the Metal Gear Solid collection, as well as Wipeout 2048.

It's a pretty amazing little thing, graphics are near as good enough to PS3/Xbox quality.



What did you buy?

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So far all I've bought is another Ethernet Over Power adapter set. Not more friggin' wireless to my PC >_<

I've ordered a second 6950, a Lever 10 GTS, Corsair H100 water cooler and will be ordering a Yamakasi Catleap 27" IPS monitor tomorrow.

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Man, I just got some nerd thrills..

In Uncharted, you find some old parchment that is sensitive to light. The game makes you physically hold the Vita right up to a light bulb, so that the camera will sense the bright light. So cool!!

Pity if you were playing somewhere in the dark though, you'd get stuck, baha.

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Bought an old 2nd hand PSP & imported the game "Fate Extra" from UK.

Time for some good old fashsion J-RPG grinding...

Also I will need to pay off the money I borrowed from my parents for paying car insurance.

Edited by Mayuri Krab
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P.s. all going to plan and my pc gets fixed, a nice new gtx 670 will do the trick, with borderlands 2 and hopefully fallout 4 on its way, there is no better way i can think of spending it on :-)

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left hand side is all the games aswell as shortcuts to local and server drives, right hand side is shortcuts to things i use every day/week

personally i cant stand going from drive to 5 diffrent sub folders to grab something :) , but it was ALOT worse a few weeks ago ~200 desktop items <^_^;

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Well... I bought (and built) this with the intention of my tax return paying off the credit card (-_-') so...





So far all I've bought is another Ethernet Over Power adapter set. Not more friggin' wireless to my PC >_<

I've ordered a second 6950, a Lever 10 GTS, Corsair H100 water cooler and will be ordering a Yamakasi Catleap 27" IPS monitor tomorrow.

Level 10 GTS Is a BRILLIANT case (imho). That's the case I opted for and it ticks all the boxes :D

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^ Nice

I think I got the same HSF on my CPU as well.

Also what spec speakers/headphones would you need to get the most out of that sound card?

I'm just using some old X-540s so onboard works fine for me.

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It's all coming together:

Level 10 GTS and second 6850. The Level 10 is awesome. I'd highly recommend one to anyone looking for a well prices ($120) case with all the expected features:


Drives loaded into the bays, ready to go:


Thought I'd give my current 6850s heatsink a bit of a clean and some new paste:


This is what's being replaced:


This is the replacement:




Complete! So many plugs:


I can play Beef3 on Ultra maintaining 35-40FPS or High over 60FPS.

Hopefully my Catleap will arrive tomorrow!

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^ Nice

I think I got the same HSF on my CPU as well.

Also what spec speakers/headphones would you need to get the most out of that sound card?

I'm just using some old X-540s so onboard works fine for me.

There's a lot of arguments that those newer Recon3d series aren't good because they lack what the old X-fi titaniums have; Hardware Acceleration. To be completely honest, I think it's a brilliant card (coming from a razer baracuda AC-1). Audio is crisp, plently of bass and the clarity between tones is supurb. That being said, I've coupled my card with a set of sennheiser 598's and Logitech Z-5500 speakers running optical out. I gave up on conventional gaming headsets and went with a studio quality set + a Zalman $15 clip on mic - in short, excellent transition :D

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There's a lot of arguments that those newer Recon3d series aren't good because they lack what the old X-fi titaniums have; Hardware Acceleration. To be completely honest, I think it's a brilliant card (coming from a razer baracuda AC-1). Audio is crisp, plently of bass and the clarity between tones is supurb. That being said, I've coupled my card with a set of sennheiser 598's and Logitech Z-5500 speakers running optical out. I gave up on conventional gaming headsets and went with a studio quality set + a Zalman $15 clip on mic - in short, excellent transition :D

The zalman clip on mic works perfectly well for me and means you get a much better sound for yourself who cares about the quality of the mic as long as the people your talking to can hear you clearly enough.

I don't get to buy any fun stuff cause my turbo blew yay

Also does anyone else accidentally hit the report rather than quote button when trying to quote someone? Could just be me but I am used to the quote button being on the left

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