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R34 Gtt Gearbox Rattle

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Hey people,

Hoping someone can help me out.

When starting up my car I have noticed a rattle coming from the gearbox.

It is a bit of a weird description but it sounds kind of like a paper clip or a small coin in the dryer.

After it warms up it gets a lot quieter but is still there. It is not the input shaft bearing as the noise is there all the time regardless of when the clutch is in or out.

I have never heard it from inside the car though, you can only really hear it from outside.

Also at really slow speeds like driving around car parks and pulling out of the drive way letting the clutch out there seems to be a whining grind but it is not all the time.

I know the clutch is pretty heavy duty however I am not sure what it is as the guy I bought the car off told me he couldn't remember what it was but he paid around 2500 to have it put in and it is very heavy.

I have no problems with gear shifts and it never slips.

If anyone had some ideas about what it could be I would appreciate it.



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The thrust bearing is the one that changes sound with the clutch in or out. I myself have a similar noise from the gearbox, but ive got a damaged second gear syncro and the input shaft bearing is going.Take it to a specialist if your worried by the noise, they should pick up what it is. Otherwise leave it, if you drive it sedately it may not get any worse, or if like me you drive it hard you may worsen it, 8 months on im pulling my box back out to get it rebuilt. Goodluck

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Thrust was the one I meant.

Yeah. I think I will get it checked out. If it seems pretty bad I'll rip the box out and have it looked at in details.

Thanks guys.

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