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Local girl, strong, 120 squat and 140 dead from memory, 60 bench, lifts at PTC weekly prior to comps

hmm, perhaps she moved to Melbourne lol...just seems a little unlikely there'd be 2 Emma Bortolottos into lifting LOL

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Markos what is your gym called in Sydney? I know its in Lidcombe I want to go do a session there one weekend with my younger brother and get him shown proper form on the main lifts, rekon I could organise it with whoever runs the joint there?

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Jack spent most of the trip standing talking to Spiros at the back of the plane

He's not looking forward to the flight to Hungary this year

did they have to move some people up to the front to get the weight balance right?

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Up to week 7 of the PPP.

Doing the 180kg on deadlift, 130kg bench and 130kg squat. Going ok so far and feel I'm getting stronger. Looking at the program the next few weeks are going to be tough.

Did week 8 of the 180kg deadlift - tough but got through it. I've moved up to the 135kg on the bench for week 7 and did it. Will see how I go with week 8... 125kg thats going to take some doing!!!

Squat - that has gone out the door as I've had some issues. Am doing this tomorrow night so will see how I go with week 8 of 130kg.

My strength is pretty disproportionate and that's a result of training now for approx 16 months but only doing deads for probably 10-12 months and squats (legs) for probably 8 months or so. Have a long way to catch up on those...

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I'm in the same boat man.

Doing the 120kg bench program, 135kg squat and 165kg dead.

Only been squating and deadlifting since September last year, so plenty of improvements to make in squats and deads.

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I was the complete opposite... but my bench is coming along now... finally

training alone you will find the deadlift the easiest to go close to your 1rm... the other lifts you really need decent spotters for... squat you can set the pins up to catch the bar should you fail but I always found squatting without the pins meant you had no choice but to make the rep... even if it was a little shallow or ugly... squatting needs a tough mental approach, most people are stronger than they realise... the more time you spend doing it the more confident you get and the more strength you can tap into

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More squats get missed on the descent than they do on the way up

I find it easy to tell which it will be as I've sptted 2,000,000 squats in my life

Some are just never going to be mentally strong enough to be physically strong enough

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Agree, its much harder to push the 1RM on the squat as you have no idea if you can get back up and if you cant, its harder for a spotter to help - who wants to drop the bar or fall to the ground..!

Out of curiosity, if a guy was doing 130kg 1RM bench, what approximately should his 1RM squat and dead be? (I know theres no formula but what would you expect all things being equal?)

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everyone's different so not really a question you can answer

my initial goals when I started powerlifting were a 2 x bodyweight squat, 1.5 x bodyweight bench press and a 2.5 x bodyweight deadlift... I've got the squat and dead but still 5kg off the bench

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Ok that probably is a better way to benchmark it, multiples of body weight.

So I think I will aim for x2.5 bw deads, x1.5 bw chest and x2 bw squat.

Gives me some new goals to work towards.

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