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Project ; Rev210 Fit At 40


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I am approaching my 40th in May this year so the idea is to get into the best shape of my life before then. Establish some good habits and routines around looking after my body for the rest of my life.

I have let myself go relatively speaking, due to the usual excuses.

The key goals are;

* Fix/correct issues with my longer term injurys (left shoulder and wrist). Also train to correct posture , mobility and flexibillity.

* Get stronger. I would like to be able to get to a point where I am able to get good numbers on the big 3 lifts again. Will be happy to just be doing them again.

* Get leaner. Not stupid lean , just to a good asthetic level (so I can see 'all my abs again). Don't care about measuring % so much as ensuring I get back to not having the pudding on the sides and lower abbs I have now. Waist is 34 inches , I'd like to get back down to 32 again.

* Improve fitness and cardiovascular health.

* get back legs. I have lost muscle in my legs more than my upper body for some reason (probably lack of use) So correcting the chicken legs will be happening.

I am aware of my weakness to go too full tilt when I start out (something in my head remembers lifting more and drives me to go stupid). So I am just doing some very basic lifting with the weights at home till I have been going a month and then , provided I am ok in the injury areas I will get to a power orientated gym.

At the moment I am 192cm and at a guess I would be 100kg-ish.

I am not that focused on weight , I tend to use scales for measuring food not myself. But, I might get some out if it's a good idea for tracking things.

If people have views/ideas on this or other things happy to hear.

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todays workout log. (Food later)

Felt sick after this, mainly the pushups at the end.

Timing for all movements ; 1/2sec contract - 1sec hold contracted - 2 sec negative.

Back extension Dumbell rear delt raises. (On . Performed with back/core held)

15x (15kg)

12x (17kg)

12x (17kg)

12x (17kg)

Seated Incline Dumbell side delt raises.

12x (10kg)

10x (12kg)

10x (12kg)

9x (12kg)

Internal rotations with band (rotator cuff)

3 set 10 reps

External rotations with band

3 sets 10 reps

Seated Barbell military press. (includes lifting bar off the deck/no rack)

12x (60kg)

8x (80kg)

7x (80kg)

Pushups - strict form in a row till failure (shoulder focused hand position)


Edited by rev210
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todays food

Breakfast ;

Shake containing; 1/2 cup oats mixed with linseed , protein powder , blue berries

Meal 2

185gm tin tuna in spring water with chilli sauce. Bananna

Meal 3

Diced chicken breast fryed in peanut oil , broccoli . 2 slices of sourdough bread.

Meal 4

tablespoon peanut butter , protein shake

Meal 5

Scotch fillet steak strips in stir fry with veges.

Meal 6

Protein shake , multi vitamin , zinc/B6/Magnesium tablet.

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todays workout. Back.

Bent over barbell rows. (strict form - hold and contract shoulder blades at top)

12x (100kg)

8x (110kg)

6x (120kg)

Wide grip pull ups till failure( pause in middle and hold for 1sec on downward. Squeeze shoulder blades at top for 1sec)




One arm dumbell rows ( 1 sec hold and squeeze at top)

12x (55kg)

8x (65kg)

6x (70kg)

5x (70kg)

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yesterdays meals;

Meal 1

Shake with 1/2 cup Oats / blueberries / protient powder

Meal 2

185g tin of Tuna , steamed rice . Bananna , tablespoon peanut butter

Meal 3

Chicken breast , wholemeal bread. Broccolli

Meal 4

185g tin of Tuna

Meal 5

Stir Fry Chicken , veges .

Other ; 6x Beers - Dundee Pale Ale (ooops...)

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dumbell wrist curls

12x (25kg)

12x (25kg)

12x (25kg)

Reverse dumbell wrist curls

12x (10kg)

12x (10kg)

12x 10kg

seated (slightly reclined) dumbell hammer curls

12x (25kg)

10x (30kg)

7x (32.5kg)

6x (32.5kg)

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Meal 1

shake with 1/2 cup oats (mixed with linseeds) , rasberries , protien powder.

Meal 2

185g Tuna . Steamed rice . Apple

Meal 3

Ham , tomatoes , wholemeal bread

Meal 4

185g Tuna . Salad

Meal 5

Chilli Beef Nachos . Fresh Habaneos

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Initial fix up workouts for wrists /elbows/ shoulders have definately got me into the land of two day later pains.

My range of motion on the stretches for my left side was pretty bad. I should have mentioned I am doing lots of these to help ROM and recovery every day.

Even the cursed foam roller is being dusted off to help unlock things before I do anything serious for the legs. Rolling the ITB's fricken pain city...

The plan is I won't be doing any squats /deads or bench till I complete this phase of recovery and earning the right through demonstrated commitment to go to a gym.

Once I am happy , I will be in there to re-learn and train to go hard. oh and do lots of squats of course.....

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Cardio 20 min HIT bike.

Dumbell rear delt raises.

15x (15kg)

12x (17kg)

12x (17kg)

12x (17kg)

Seated Incline Dumbell side delt raises.

12x (10kg)

10x (12kg)

10x (12kg)

10x (12kg)

Internal rotations with band (rotator cuff)

3 set 10 reps

External rotations with band

3 sets 10 reps

Seated Barbell military press. (includes lifting bar off the deck/no rack)

12x (70kg)

12x (80kg)

12x (80kg)

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Supliments ;

Pre cardio ; beta Alanine & glutamine

Post workout ; glutamine

Before sleep ; Zinc /magnesium/B6 (cenovis zinc)

Meal 1

shake with 1/2 cup oats (mixed with linseeds) , blueberries , protien powder.

Meal 2

185g Tuna . Steamed rice .

Meal 3

Beef Chilli concarne, The land of goat sphincter rings bread, tomatoes

Meal 4

185g Tuna . Salad

Meal 5

Stir fry beef . Veges

Meal 6

Perhaps some beer? (will power.....)

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Back extension Dumbell rear delt raises. (On . Performed with back/core held)

15x 17kg dumbells

15x 17kg

12x 17kg

Seated Incline Dumbell side delt raises.

12x 10kg dumbells

10x 12kg

10x 12kg

Internal rotations with band (rotator cuff)

3 set 20 reps

External rotations with band

3 sets 20 reps

Seated Barbell military press. Back of seat very slightly reclined. (includes lifting bar off the deck /clean---no rack or spotters to help)

14x (80kg)

12x (90kg)

6x (105kg)

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missed this thread.

Welcome back to the iron.

Polo Gti? the f**k man.. I thought it was RS172

Yes it is good so far. But, I am really unfit, including the gym fitness. I am having a huge rest at the moment after doing my first lot of deadlifts. Almost vomited (obviously could have tried harder).

RS172 needed to go. The Polo gti is reminding me to go back to a GTR. This year it will be another gtr....

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todays workout. Back.

30 min cardio swim in ocean.

Dead lifts.

12 x 80kg

12 x 100kg

12 x 145kg I vomited.......

Wide grip pull ups till failure( pause in middle and hold for 1sec on downward. Squeeze shoulder blades at top for 1sec)




3 + 3 reps of pull up circles (clock wise and counter).

Bent over one arm barbell rows ( 1 sec hold and squeeze at top.

6x (70kg)

2x (80kg)

Internal rotations with band (rotator cuff)

3 set 10 reps

External rotations with band

3 sets 10 reps

Some foam roller work on the glutes and back.

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Checked my weight today . I was thinking I was maybe under eating the last two weeks or so too.

Wiifit board says 96.5kg

I am substituting some foods. Going tuna in oil vs spring water and adding some extra carbs in the morning in the form of more oats.

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Supliments ;

Pre cardio ; none

Post workout ; glutamine

Before sleep ; Zinc /magnesium/B6 (cenovis zinc) + glucosamine /MSM

Meal 1

shake with 1 cup oats (mixed with linseeds & pumkin seeds) protien powder.

Meal 2

185g Tuna in oil . Brocolli. Small bowl of cooked oats (1 cup of oats + linseed +pumpkin seeds)

Meal 3

eggs , veges , wholemeal bread

Meal 4

185g Tuna in oil. table spoon peanut butter, apple.

Meal 5

Turkay (to avoid word replacement) drum stick, veges

Meal 6


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