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car theft in japan


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Replying to a post in another forum (about which car alarms we use in japan, hehe), a little research brought some interesting data.

In the mid-90s up to about 98, the car theft rate in japan was stable - at about 35,000 incidences per year. Since then it has been steadily increasing - and currently stands at about 60-70,000 per year. The claimed reason for this - dodgy importers sending stolen cars around the world (australia being one of the key locations). Certainly reminds me of a thread on here about a big name japanese exporter...

So... if you were wondering about the legitimacy of your mileage, what about the legitimacy of the car!? I guess it doesn't really matter by the time the keys are in your hands.

In any case, check this out for a comparison:



Population: approx 126million

Car theft incidences: approx 65,000


Population: approx 293million

Car theft incidences: approx 1.2million


Despite the recent spike in activity, that's a pretty good highlight of the different world some of us are priviledged to live in. I'm certainly guilty of leaving my keys in the ignition on occasion - I'd never, ever do that in australia

...then again, I live on an island - where are they going to go?!

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Mmmm, good facts there... I still can get over the cars left running on the side of the road withe A/C on while the driver ducks in to a konbini to get some ciggies. DEFinately a different world!

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Justin which is why the car alarms in Japan have a Konbini function, same alarm in Aust, UK or US is disabled no s/w loaded. I but I never use it, still can't trust anyone.

Brian, there are so many bloody alarms in Japan...but you still can't go pass a Clifford if you have the money and it's always worth getting it fitted by a pro even if it cost a little bit more. Dam car alarm itself has cost me a small fortune, I got one fitted at the start then replaced it with a newer one about 18 months ago.

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Know what you mean, I've had my Evo unlocked with the window down for a week...being on the piss is no good especially if you forget to lockup the car. Luckily it didn't rain, when I realised the next weekend the thought was kinda scarry. Think about it, if you saw an Evo sitting in a driveway unattended for a week, hell it be gone in a couple of hours. But knowing Japan, you could leave a wallet on the train and no one won't touch it.

Highly unlikely but if you get a transfer out my way and you need an alarm installed, I know 2 shops which were mentioned in the 2004 Japan Auto Security guide as the best installers in Osaka. Else I know the guys at 2 Super Autobacs stores who do it cheaper and an OK job.

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As with Brian, for me living in the countryside has it's merits: car crime is pretty much unheard of where I am. Although I have plenty of security at my place, I don't really need it - just coming from England makes me a little paranoid when really I need not be. :)

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i'm just reading an Option mag that has a 10 page guide on how to prevent car theft and vandalism in japan. Lol all the illustratoins involve caracature figurses with handkerchieves over their heads and tied around their nose.

They have some pretty nifty looking club locks too (one that looks like a baseball bat) and a gear lock, so you can't move the gearshift anywhere. Ingenious, and its illustraed used on an R32 lol.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Know what you mean, I've had my Evo unlocked with the window down for a week...being on the piss is no good especially if you forget to lockup the car. Luckily it didn't rain, when I realised the next weekend the thought was kinda scarry. Think about it, if you saw an Evo sitting in a driveway unattended for a week, hell it be gone in a couple of hours.  But knowing Japan, you could leave a wallet on the train and no one won't touch it.  

Highly unlikely but if you get a transfer out my way and you need an alarm installed, I know 2 shops which were mentioned in the 2004 Japan Auto Security guide as the best installers in Osaka.  Else I know the guys at 2 Super Autobacs stores who do it cheaper and an OK job.

Well, if I saw an unlocked EVO, I'd be ever so tempted to service and wash it for you :P But I wouldn't, I'd go and see if the keys are in there, if they are, lock the car, take the keys, leave a note on it and take the keys to the local police station, (of course, checking that no one inside the house owns it).

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