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N.s.w-Demo, Sell By Build Date, Compliance Date?

Black Dog

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Hi all,

I have been trying to get some information clarified. In NSW, legally how is a car dealer meant to advertise a Demo car that has been registered. Is the advertised year determined by Build date or Compliance date?

For example, a car has build date of 2013, compliance date of 2014 and is a MY14. It is a demo car that has had registration for three months. What year are they legally meant to advertise it as? Again it's a Demo, so I guess that would qualify it as a used car? If so I'm sure that should change things?

I know it's a bit of a grey area especially when it comes to a brand new car, It is also different in each state.

In S.A it doesn't matter if it's a brand spanking new car, a demo or a fully used car, it has to be advertised by the build date.

Again just after information for N.S.W. I would Appreciate any help.



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At a Volvo Dealership Paul, this 3l turbo straight six...


had been driven by a director over the past year for 11,000Km.

Build Date = 2011

Model = 2012

Complied = 2013

Bought as a 1st Owner = 2014

Upon transfer of registration (with new car 4 yr manufacturer's wty), it reads as a 2013 car.

Personally, we though it'd be 2012.


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It's goes off tbe compliance date

yup, compliance date.

warranty goes by first date of registration.

Ok... They sure have it both ways then. I bet when it comes to resale it will be based on Build date :(

Like I said in S.A , no matter what, the car has to be sold by the build date. I must say its a bit disappointing, from what I have found out it is a bit of a grey area. I also would have thought the rule/law would change when it has been registered? I would expect that from a dubious used car sales place etc. but not from a premium dealer especially when forking out a bit of coin. Would be nice if they said it's really a 2013, another lesson learnt I guess, don't trust anyone :(

I also thought it would change things when it's been registered all ready,

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When reselling, you would also advertise by the compliance date.

The reason we go off compliance, is due to some manufacturers taking literally 1-2 years to get compliance after the car had been built.

Who would want to buy a 2yr old new car?

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