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membership details are still being finalised, soon we will be an official club, then you can pay the fees and become a member.

As for the cruises, check this section for details and rock up to the meets, easy as that.

By the way you have posted in the wrong area, should have posted in the Vic section, this section is for events only. :)



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Hi ICER33, Membership etc is only a short time away.

We have had our first official General Meeting

See this thread --> http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/sh...ead.php?t=45933

So at the moment, all events are open to the General public.

Check this section (Events) at least 3 times a week and you'll see all the events that are going on in Vic.

There are events coming soon as the weather will start to get better.

Hope that helps. any more Q's just PM me if you like.

- ash

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  • 3 months later...
Guys whats going on with SAU membership?

I've be asking for ages and no response.

I want to start track days and I can't till I become a member of a club.

Can someone get back to me on what I need to do?

you gotta read the forums mate.

There have been 3-4 general meetings... 1 cruise, and a number of other chances.

Its all posted weeks in advance for everyone sake.

until we get online forums up etc. Coming to a meet is the only way

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