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driver horror stories


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having never been involved in a car crash until today (not my fault) prahaps i could get you all to share your first crash/incident with the rest of us.

now that i am almost garanteed not to have my car back for a month, i need something to keep me entertained.

my previosly undamaged, near perfect 32 now sports a new areo package courtesy of the charade imprint left after being smooshed by said charade travelling at about 70 ks while i was stopped. passenger rear 1/4 now rear 1/8 with a nice rippled pattern where it buckled around the tyre arch. very decorative. :P :cuss:

very glad he had insurance, his charade written off ha ha ha

anyone know of a good panelbeater western suburbs of brisbane. i have no idea where to start.

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I had a low speed head on with a old corolla with my previous car (94 wrx). She was too cheap to pay the freeway toll and decided to drive back out the wrong direction. I was coming around the blind corner and BAM!

I just sat there looking at her in my car. Shook my head and she started crying.

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I came up to a T-Intersection fairly quickly but braking hard. There was a car stopped there but as I approached she started moving off so I eased my braking a little in order to stop at the stop line. She changes her mind and rolls back 2 metres as it was on a hill. I go back to maximum braking effort and stop without touching however, due to the front suspension being soft, the car bounced up when I stopped and it had gone just underneath the towball on her car.

So the top of my bumper connected with the bottom of her towball. Total damage; I lost some crome, she gained some on the bolt under the towball.

I didn't report it to the cops because there was no damage but she did... 4 days later. Must have had another accident backing into something cos she said she was going to sue me for it. Once she realised I wasn't going to cough up easily she reported it to her insurance company who threatened me with all sorts of stuff.

I wrote them a nasty letter and I never heard from them again.


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All of my accidents have been with inanimate objects. concrete pole, tree, gutter, kangaroo... i didn't have insurance, but i don't think those objects were going to claim on me.

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First day i bought my skyline.....pissing down rain, locker diff, totally bald tyres....cruising down the middle lane of a 3 lane road in clifton hill.....doing 70km/h.....my best mate in the car with me.... 'eyy watch this bro', dropped it back into 2nd, floored it. Before i knew what was what i was the back kicked out hard and ended up doing about 6 or 7 360's. Back of the car clipped a bus stop.

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had a head on with a tree at about 40-50ks when i was about 10-11 (i wasnt driving obviously) first accident i had when i was actually driving was when i was on my l's, driving down a 50k street. stupid woman in a tarago parked on the side of the road decides she wants to pull a u-turn from the side of the road without looking or indicating, so of course we t-bone her in the middle of the road at about 55 ks, i ride her across the road, bends her tarago in half, leaves my mums old mazda with a bent chassis, both cars written off, tarago woman goes to hospital, mum busted up her shoulder. You would not believe the joy i had after the accident of jumping out of the wreckage and giving this ignorant woman the serving of her lifetime.

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having never been involved in a car crash until today (not my fault) prahaps i could get you all to share your first crash/incident with the rest of us.

now that i am almost garanteed not to have my car back for a month, i need something to keep me entertained.

my previosly undamaged, near perfect 32 now sports a new areo package courtesy of the charade imprint left after being smooshed by said charade travelling at about 70 ks while i was stopped. passenger rear 1/4 now rear 1/8 with a nice rippled pattern where it buckled around the tyre arch. very decorative.  :cheers:  :cuss:  

very glad he had insurance, his charade written off ha ha ha

anyone know of a good panelbeater western suburbs of brisbane. i have no idea where to start.

Sorry to hear dude. Try doing a search in the QLD section or posting up a thread in there.



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Nothing to serious, my mate in his old magna reversed into the back of a Ford Fairlane. Minimal damage done. Still, the guy had parked it pretty far off the gutter, and was practically waiting for us at the door like he had expected someone to hit it.

Another one of my mates killed his car the other day, unlicenced driver, unregistered car and a 'watch this bro' moment. Tried to spin the wheels on his auto falcon but insteal broke the gearbox. :cheers: massive clunk and that was the end of that.

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drunk driver crashed into the side(sort of side on) of my car doing approx 120km/h i was doing 80 he bounced off me and crashed straight into the concrete barrier, the drivers side of my car was crushed.. and this was in my old swft gti!

i was ok, he was arrested :cheers:;) for blowing 0.18. the the car he was driving and wrote off was not even his to make things worse for him.

also no insurance as he was pissed so he had to pay for my car out of pocket.

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heres a pic of before mentioned damage. unfortuently i don't have broadband and can't stay up all night waiting to download more pics. damage doesn't seem so bad after shock worn off, but still bad enough about 3 grands damage.

wish i had pics of his car, it was a mangled wreak.

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