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Protecting your baby from theft

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I've seen the ones whereby it locks the brake together with the clutch pedal......something else for them to cut.....

which means more time involved,keep a wheel clamp in the car just in case,or 4....lock up all four wheels... :)

add that to the alarm siren hooked up to your airhorns......an internal siren to make him to deaf....Autolok the steering wheel.....or remove it if you have a Nardi wheel....I used to do that.....I'm a paranoid kunt :uh-huh:

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I've seen the ones whereby it locks the brake together with the clutch pedal......something else for them to cut.....

which means more time involved,keep a wheel clamp in the car just in case,or 4....lock up all four wheels... :)  

add that to the alarm siren hooked up to your airhorns......an internal siren to make him to deaf....Autolok the steering wheel.....or remove it if you have a Nardi wheel....I used to do that.....I'm a paranoid kunt :uh-huh:

Where do you buy all these security gadgets?

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if you use a steering lock (as I do), make sure you install it on the other side of the steering wheel - theives then can't pull it off towards then when they sit in the drivers seat.

I also carry a length of high tensile chain and padlocks, if I am leaving my car for an extended period, I chain it around the rear sub frame and a steel post/telegraph pole. extreme I know, but try to tow that!!!

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I also carry a length of high tensile chain and padlocks, if I am leaving my car for an extended period, I chain it around the rear sub frame and a steel post/telegraph pole. extreme I know, but try to tow that!!!

SICK .. freaking SICK COUNT!

I am now seriously considering a quiktrak this weekend - I would like to know their financial status however.

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Like some one said above, ur car isnt insured. If you really cared about your vehicle you would have it insured. An alarm system can only protect your car to a certain extent.

Or you can go with the snake idea by onevia ;)


Or leave the car at home.

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Me care about my car too, so you got to spend big on your alarm, plus you always do it right the first time. Brant nemesis isnt a bad buy, pretty good alarm system and never had troubles with it. 6 point imoboliser and keypad start.

I however do like the idea of the chain to a pole idea ;)

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Apperantly it's not that much more expensive. It's the time it takes your installer to wire the extra wires up from the alarm to the window relays.

$50 ?

There is a small controller device required so that they only go up a certain amount and stop when they have reached the top. Otherwise you could shorten the lifespan of the power window motors.

This controller is actually a very simple logic device with about $5 worth of parts that people sell for 50-80 dollars retail. Plus labour if you dont fit it yourself.

I believe Brandt fit it for about $125. This is another part of the reason i wont buy another brandt alarm.

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This use to be available from the UK. I once enquired over several emails about getting this product delivered to my door from the UK and the legal implications.

At the time they were willing to send it in a box labelled "gift" but were unable to give any guarantee's that it would make it past our customs. I didn't end up buying it.

I also can no longer find the homepage for this item. All I can find now is this or similar:



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I guess it comes down to how bad the thief wants your car. If he wants it bad, whats to stop em using those wheel jack thingoes and just rolling your car onto a tip truck.

Any alarm is (as mentionted) just a time factor thing. If you are serious about not losing your car, id see the only way would be a combination of all the above thigs listed.

Im going for the satellite tracking, and.....YER RIGHT! like im telling the whole of the WORLD!!

Serioulsy though, dont leave gauges, hand controllers, steroes in plain sight. Use a club lock (steering or clutch pedal), a high intensity led, an alarm (maybe the paging type if you want to know asap if your cars being toyed with)

Its all about how long they need to get what they want. If its the whole car, bad luck...:D

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I can't get insurance and I do care about my car.

Why can't you get insurance? If someone was to blow up your car then no alarm is going to protect it form that. Trackers sound good but if the theft knew what he was doing wouldn't he disarm it? Trackers sound pretty good though I might get one.

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